Thursday, December 22, 2011

Another Day, Another Mile

Run: 1 mile
Time: Sub-10
Mood: Machine

Hammered out a mile this morning, then walked another lovely mile. My legs are super sore from running again this week, a testament to the power a 7-week hiatus has.

If you're wondering how long it takes for your body to regress...not long.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

One is Better Than None

Well kids, I got back on the horse this morning. And by "horse" I mean "treadmill." Did a decently quick mile and then walked another one while watching Law & Order.

Pretty damn perfect morning.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas

Read the date of the last post.

Read the date of this one.

Then the last one.

And then this one again.

Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your computer.

It's not you, it's me. It's been roughly seven weeks since I posted about running. And it's been roughly seven weeks since I was actually on a training schedule. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've run. Just not a whole lot. Not even a whole little.

I think I burnt myself out with my race schedule and training schedule over the past 12 months. Race after race after race. Run after run after run after run.

So I basically stopped working out after the MCM 10K. I walked a 10K over Thanksgiving with my family, but that's about it. I haven't done more than two or three miles since.

I think I'm ready to get back to it. My muscles have skipped town, and every piece of clothing I own is super snug. So I think I'm ready to gradually work back up to the level I was at about 6 months ago.

I've moved to Alexandria, so there are a lot of new trails to be explored, and the gym is right across from our apartment. There's no time like the present.

Shall we?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Good Not Great: MCM 2011

Run: MCM 10K
Time: 114:02
Mood: Ouch

Well, today was the marathon-turned-10K. I haven't exactly been "training" well lately. I haven't run 6 miles since I stopped marathon training two months ago. Needless to say, it was a rude awakening for my lil legs. My brother, on the other hand, is a running stud. He knocked out the marathon in 3:38. Most of his splits were in the low 7s. He started slowing down toward the end because of a knee thing (and I use the term "slowing down" vaguely - because he was still hitting about an 8 split).

When I finished we were herded into a corral like cattle, and it took me 20 minutes just to get out of the fenced-in area. Not only that, but no spectators were allowed down to see people finish, so noone saw me. Which would have been helpful to know when I was booking it up that last hill. I could have relaxed! I kid, I kid.

After I met up with Scott, we went in search of mom, dad and Cathrine who were watching Bobby around the mall. By the time we walked over there (note: from Iwo Jima to the mall after running 6 miles = sore stems), we had missed him. But Catherine got some good photos.

And now, the photoblog (thanks to Cathrine):

Trying to keep warm in our silly hats.

Game face.

There is no MCM 10K sign. So I act tough
in front of the marathon sign.

Hooray, Bobby finished!

His medal is cooler. That's ok, I'm still excited.

No really, it's an awesome medal.

They smile. I'm legitimately wondering how
he hit those splits. Low 7s. Nbd.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I run ALL the miles?

Run: 5.2
Time: 1:01 - I know. :(
Mood: Well that wasn't so bad.

MCM 10K is in a few days, so alas I had to get in a 5-miler this week so my legs didn't go into shock on Sunday.

It was an early morning run earlier this week (I'm behind in my posting, wanna fight about it?), and it's dark. But I managed to find a well-lit route - an out and back that finishes on an uphill. Because if you remember last year's 10K lesson it's that the last .1 mile is up hill toward the monument.

I actually felt fine. No cramps, nothing hard about it. Then I saw my time and was like "oh, that's why."

What's the pace? It's a 12-split. Which isn't hella slow, but it's slower.

Anywho, I'll get in a few shorter distances this week. Sunday isn't exactly going to be fun, but it will be possible.

And what more can you really ask for?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Night Run

Run: 4 miles
Time: 48 ish
Mood: Ninja-esque!

The MCM 10K is in almost exactly two weeks, and I've been being lazy and only running 1 to 2 miles per time. I was under the weather this weekend, so I didn't get a long run in. It had to be done last night.

Got home from work and immediately threw on running clothes and hit the pavement around 6:30. Not sure if anyone notices, but it gets dark at like 6:45 now. So I did the majority of my run at night. Which is mostly fine, because the bulk of the 4-mile loop I run is lit with streetlights. But then there's the park cut-through that takes me from the main road through the back of my neighborhood.

I was more than a little scared. I took off my headphones so I would be able to hear any madmen running in my direction to kidnap me. I'm not saying I'd ever murder anyone, but if I did, I'd do it on that back trail. I'm just saying. It's pitch black. The only way I knew I was on the trail was the sound of my feet on pavement and the fact that I've run it a million times in the daylight so I know roundabout where it is.

It was good in the sense that this leg was at the end of my run, so I definitely picked up my pace. It was bad in the sense that I almost had a heart attack because I couldn't see anything, let alone the deer standing right next to the trail. You'd be amazed how much the sound of a startled deer galloping through the underbrush sounds like a crazed murderer coming to kill you. Sounds exactly the same. I almost fell over.

And with that, I completed 4 miles, and in a normal pace. Wasn't huffing it, wasn't in too much pain. Felt great. I need to get a couple more 4s in and at least two 5s before next Sunday.

The good news for you? I'll be blogging about it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday, Monday, Monday

Run: 2 miles
Time: I think 20-ish?
Mood: Eh

Couldn't sleep this morning so I decided to get up and get my run on. It's cold and dark and I haven't quite mapped out routes in Alexandria yet, so I walked over to the gym. Got in two miles, the last part of which I managed to punch out at a 9:30 pace...and then when I slowed down to 10:30 to finish out, I was like "whew, this is much better" - but it's still a minute faster than distance pace. :)

Did some kickboxing and cross-training this weekend - plus Scott and I walked all over tarnation. Around DC, around Annapolis, even down the street for sushi. My feet are le tired.

Planning on knocking out three manana, then this weekend's long run will be about 4. Gotta get back in it, race in 4 weeks!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Still Got It

Run: 3 miles
Time: Didn't wear a watch
Mood: Strong to moderately strong

I have to keep reminding myself that even though I'm not running 26.2 miles, I'm still running 6.2. Which I think I mentally scoff at since I did the 10-miler. But it's still a good chunk of pavement to cover.

I've been running once a week or so, still going to the gym and taking spin classes and Body Pump and whatnot - hence the lack of posts. But I need to ramp up the running this month. Race is at the end of October, and I want to beat my time from last year.

Came home from work tonight and did 3 miles with Jessie. We were only going to do two, but when we came to the cutoff, we both felt good enough to keep going. The last hill was a bit brutal, but the downhill was nice.

3 miles down, and now 3 pages to write for class tomorrow. Banzai!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

After spin on Friday, I pretty much took a gym hiatus until Monday evening. At which point I called the gym to check their holiday hours, and discovered that they closed in 35 minutes! I threw on my gym clothes and ran across the street and got in a solid 25 while watching a show about how Rolls Royces are made. In case you're wondering, they are made very expensively.

I got up a schlepped across the street for BodyPump this morning, where I took my weight down just a tad so I am able to walk tomorrow and the day after. It was still brutal.

Tomorrow morning, methinks a spin class. Or a run. Shouldn't forget about the running.

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Friday!

Good morning class,

Welp, I popped out of bed at 5:30 this morning to make it to the 5:45 spin class - where I proceeded to sweat my a$$ off. It was amaaaazing. I haven't taken a spin class in years, so I was a little rusty. But you'd be surprised how quickly you remember the hand positions. And the pain the seat causes your rear. Ow.

I snagged a Gatorade on my way out to class and was done with the whole thing about halfway through class. Then I checked the calories...220 for the bottle!

I hope I worked off more than that.

Spin class + spinach wrap + skinny vanilla latte = an awesome morning!

P.S. Yesterday was a rest day. And I can finally walk normally again. The only remaining soreness is really my triceps. Get it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 1

Started feeling the soreness toward the end of the day yesterday. Felt it during puzzle-time at home last night. Woke up this morning to screaming pain in my legs. Rousted my friend Jessie for a 5:45 a.m. short run. Did 1.5 to try to get the blood flowing...felt great during the run. But the rubbery feeling settled in right after the run.

Trying not to baby myself, still taking the stairs, etc. Gotta keep the muscles moving to get the blasted lactic acid outta there!

No pain, no gain ladies.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Well Hi

You didn't really think you were never going to see a post from me again, did you?!

Oh, you did? Bummer.

I basically took last week off. Didn't run, didn't go to the gym, didn't stress, didn't stretch, and didn't really hydrate.

And I felt awwwwwful. I got back into the swing of things this week. Did 1.5 yesterday on the treadmill and then another 20 minutes on the elliptical - killing it. I forgot how good it feels to sweat on the machines. Plus, watching the news at the gym in the morning means I'm that much more informed during the day. Win-win, right?

This morning I got back on the Body Pump wagon. I used to take this class with my friend Hila a few years ago, and I loved it. My whole body would ache and it was fantastic. Body Pump is basically a lifting class, but it's more cardio lifting set to music. The point is not to top out with the weights, but to make it so you're struggling to complete the sets. At which point you move on to another body part. It goes through chest, back, triceps, biceps, legs (front and back - that's lunges and squats), and abs.

The bottom line? It's tough walking down the stairs after class.

I went to the 5:45 a.m. class in Alexandria, and I'm so glad I did! The class was smaller, and the instructor isn't too crazy. And yes, it was tough to drive back to Rockville after. Even tougher to wash my hair.

Today I'll be sore. Tomorrow I'll be incapacitated.

I can't wait.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Good Night, and Good Luck

Alright everyone, take a seat. I've got some big news.

After a lot of soul searching and thinking and stressing and obsessing, I've made a decision.

I'm stepping down from marathon training.

Throwing in the towel. Turning off the light. Taking a hike. Bowing out.

Why, you may ask? You've been training so hard, you may say. You're almost there, you may plead.

And the answer for all of these is: I'm not happy. And I'm not having fun. I'm straight up dreading it.

I've kept up with my training for over a year, and as I started getting into the 10+ mile weeks, I realized I was dreading every run. Every mileage increase. Everything. I'd already succumbed to the fact that I probably wasn't going to "run" the entire thing - so what's the point?

I headed out for my long run with Scott on Saturday morning, and part of the way through I just stopped running. He stopped, too, and asked me what was wrong.

And I just stood there with tears in my eyes and said, "I don't want to do this."

He said, "I know."

So we walked a little and talked about it, and I realized I wasn't doing it for me. I didn't even know why I was doing it anymore. It was a chore, it wasn't something I was enjoying.

I finished out a brisk 2+-mile run, and then came home to let my brother know. I was terrified he'd be mad or disappointed, b/c he's been so incredibly supportive. But he wasn't at all. He told me he was proud of me for all of the hard work I'd put into it, and that he supports whatever I decide to do.

So I'm going to change my bib to the 10K, which is only 6 miles (I know, "only"). I know I'll enjoy it.

I plan to keep running, but for me. Not because I have to. But because I want to. I do enjoy the shorter runs, the ones that cap at 4 or 5 miles. And it's been an incredible experience, knowing that I can push myself to the greater distances of 8 and 10 miles.

But for my body and for my spirit, I'm gonna sit this 26.2 out.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Blogiversary + 8 Miles

Run: 8 miles
Time: 1:43 (that's a 12.875 pace)
Mood: Better

That's right folks, ran a solid 8 today. Stopped once to drink water and catch my breath after a pretty long hill. But that's it. Ran the rest.

Scott came with me this morning and he's my lucky charm. It was kind of like running with a leashed horse, because his stride and pace are like double my normal pace. Add the fact that I slowed my 11:30 pace by a full minute (basic math tells us that we ran at a 12:30 split), and the poor fella was practically running in place.  But he kept me motivated and stuck by my side.

I also figured out that's what I've been doing wrong - trying to run my distance runs at the same pace as my shorter runs. Tisk, tisk. Sure, it was a slower than sin pace, but I ran the whole thing. It also helped having someone give me a high-five after every hill and to carry the water. :)

This is the first time in a long time where I've actually thought, "I can do this."

It's the best blogiversary present I could have given myself! Yesterday marks a year since I started blogging about my marathon path. Woohoo for dedication!

As a side, I have two new blog posts that I'm super proud of:

Shark Week: Three Things to Learn

How to Date a Runner

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wait a second...

Run: 4 miles
Time: 47
Mood: le tired

My 5-miler turned into my 4-miler and it was a slow one at that.

Last night, I saw a running group on Rockville Pike, and I was intrigued. I did some research, and found out that it's the Montgomery County Road Runners and they are TRAINING FOR THE MCM. Ah! I need a running group! I emailed two of the people asking if they accepted sign-ups mid-season. I hope they say yes, because I'd love to at least do my long runs with a group that goes my pace.

I also did some reading, and I'm going to work some speed workouts into my training. Also, all of those "fast" recovery runs I've been doing? Bad. Effing. Idea. And my long runs should be about 2 minutes slower than my 10K pace. Let's 10K pace was about 11:30. How is it possible to run at a 13:30 pace?! I'm going to try to slow it down I guess? A little? Is that possible?

I do know one thing, training alone is possibly a bad idea. Possibly.

P.S. Last post was my 100th post. I feel like there should have been cake or something. Oh wait, there was. Disregard.

P.P.S. Friday will mark my one-year blogiversary. Sigh.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Willpower. I haz it.

Run: 3 miles
Time: 34
Mood: good not great

It. Was. So. Hard. Getting. Out. Of. Bed. This. Morning.

Super hard! I hit snooze twice, and eventually had to like, throw my legs over the side of the bed like an anchor and hoist myself up. I knew I needed to run today, it was non-negotiable.

Did three miles, felt great the whole way. I've learned that the mid-week runs really determine how the longer one on the weekend will go. For instance, running 3 miles today means that tomorrow's 5-miler is NBD b/c it's only two more miles than I ran this morning. Which, in turn, makes the 8 miles this weekend seem not so daunting b/c I just did 5 on Wednesday. See? The middle week runs are the foundation for the weekend long runs. There, I said it.

5 miles in the morning.

3 5 3 8

Saturday, July 30, 2011

7 Mile Saturday

Run: 7 miles
Time: 1:32 (I know, right?)
Mood: Tired

Got up at 5 a.m. But it was still dark. Got up at 5:30. Still dark. Laid in bed until 5:45, decided to get up and drink some water and eat something.

Was out the door a little before 6...and you think it would have been cooler than it was. Ran the first four miles or so solid, then did a walk/run combo for the rest. I took my new hand held water bottle with me, but I didn't put nearly enough water in it. I even brought a little snack. I tore off a piece of bread and put some peanut butter on it, wrapped it in plastic wrap and zipped it in my water bottle pouch. Around mile 3.5 I walked for a second to eat it and drank some water, then hit the turning point and headed back home.

It wasn't my breathing that was slowing me down...I've mastered the yoga breathing I think. It was my legs...they got SO tired. And my shoulders/upper back is starting to get sore/tired, too. That plus a hilly route makes for a slow long run.

Also, managed to get honked AND yelled at this morning. At 6:30. On a Saturday. Really, people? Who is randy in the waking hours of the weekend?!

Also, saw a deer pooping. I do not lie.

Got in a quick 2 miles yesterday morning...finished in 21:30.

Drank a glass of chocolate milk to help recover. Now...a shower and back to bed.

3 4 2 7

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On the Up and Up

Run: 4 miles
Time: 47
Mood: Better. Much better.

Yeah, yeah, was a slow run this morning. I've been in a rut over the past two weeks, but I'm coming back around. Nothing like knocking out 4 miles to make you feel better about yourself as a runner. Ran yesterday, but it was a crappy 3 miles.

Like this, but a different color and brand.
 I looked into hydration yesterday at a running store and the hydration belts are just....awful. The cute ones only have either one small bottle or one large bottle. A large water bottle strapped to my backside isn't gonna be pretty. Therefore, I went with the handheld water bottle. It straps to my hand, and should get me through the next month or so. When I do my 22 miler, I'm gonna need someone to set up a water station of some sort. ;)

The guy at the running store said he carries a water bottle in one hand and a banana in the other on his long runs. Iiiiinteresting. Eating and running? Although I have heard of ultra-marathoners carrying and consuming whole sandwiches.

3 in the morning, then a rest day and 7 on Saturday.

Bring it on.

3 4 3 7

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I suck.

Run: 5.65
Time: 1:13
Mood: Negative

It was a long run day. I got up at 6:15 this morning, stuck my head outside and was immediately hit by a blast of hot air. Soooo...I went back to bed.

The roomies and I took a day trip to see Allie and the baby in Pennsylvania. After we got home, I decided it was still too hot (there was a heat advisory in effect until 8 this evening). I popped open a Corona, and then my roommate Jen gave me a hard time for not running.

I caved, laced up my shoes and headed out. First mile came in around 10:30, second mile was about the same, and then somewhere during mile three I just stopped. The six mile route I had mapped had a lot more hills that I'd thought, and I was drenched because of the heat, so I legitimately walked/ran the rest of the way. I turned around before the 6 mile mark because it was dark and I was about three miles from home without a cellphone, all alone on the road. There were some street lights, but it was still creepy.

I was so angry during the second half. I was talking myself out of running the marathon, thinking of ways I could change my bib to the 10K.

It's hard. Running, training, it's hard. And I've been doing it for about a year solid and these long runs are still kicking my ass. I have a LONG way to go, and I'm not looking forward to it. Not in the least.



Friday, July 22, 2011

Hot Dog

I have two horrible runs to report. One was last night in the gym on the treadmill, and one was this morning. Both were abominations.

Last night I went to the gym at like 8 after the dentist after work, and I had only really drank one glass of fizzy water during the day, so it was no surprise that I was done after about two miles. Plus it's so hot out that you break into a full sweat just walking to your car. So that was no bueno. I did set my pace faster, varying between a 10 minute and 11 minute mile. At least picked up the pace.

Which brings me to this morning. Ate a light, healthy dinner last night and hydrated well. Drank water this morning and had a little snack before what was supposed to be a 4-mile run. I headed out a little after six.

And only did a mile.

Good heavens is it hot out. I was completely drenched and dizzy after mile one. Granted, the first mile of this route has two decent hills, both of which I crushed, but wow. I hit the mile mark, turned around and walked home. Where I did some cross-training, and dripped sweat all over the floor.

Apparently you're not even supposed to be outside today at all.

Who knew?

6 miles on Sunday. I'll probably get up at 5 a.m. to do it and then go back to bed...just to try to beat at least some of the heat.

P.S. My marathon-running brother in Texas is probably laughing at my wilting right now. I'm sure it's beast there some days.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Madness

Run: 5 miles
Time: 58:30
Mood: Can't complain

This was supposed to be done yesterday after the women's world cup game (during which I sat in a pub, and drank water while everyone else had beer - they even had cider on tap. CIDER!), but I had one of those "let me just close my eyes for a minute" moments where I woke up an hour later. I didn't have time to get in a solid 5 before it got dark, so I scheduled it for this morning.

Got up at 5:45, ate a piece of bread with peanut butter, drank a glass of water and hit the pavement.

I had mapped out a new route around Rockville, it took me part of the way on my usual route, but this time I headed out to Montrose and 270 then looped back around. A route that I realized was uphill on the way back in.

Didn't walk, didn't stop. And held form and breathing together until the last hill right before the end, where it got a little ugly, but not too much. And then I finished the last few yards on a downhill, and I don't think I've ever run so fast in my life.

Did a total of 5 runs last week. Now onto six mile week.

Side note: my feet are getting pretty bad. Dry, rough. Where there aren't blisters, there are callouses. Oy. Scott says I have a choice: I can either have athlete's feet and be a runner, or I can have pretty feet and not. Hello, ugly feet.
3 4 3 5     3 4 3 6

Friday, July 15, 2011

How 'Bout a Revolution?

Run: 3 miles
Time: 33:30
Mood: balmy

Three miles this morning, the weather is still really great. I was planning on trying to knock out 5 this morning, but the repeated hits to the snooze button whittled away my time, so I stuck with 3. Felt great, no panting or anything. Hit the hills hard.

I really need to make a playlist for these runs, b/c putting the iPod on "shuffle" leaves me with things like Jewel when I'm about to crest a hill. Nothing makes you want to walk like "Pieces of You."

Sunday is long run day. :)

3 4 3 5

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Beautiful Disaster

Run: 1 ran, 1 walked
Time: Didn't even bother
Mood: Completely drained

After last night's awesome run, I neglected to properly refuel. I had an egg white omelet and a glass of water before bed, and then tried to get up and do three miles this morning.

It was g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s. outside this morning, downright chilly. Sunny and perfect.

And my legs wouldn't move. I did mile one that involves two steep hills, and I felt like I was moving my feet but not going anywhere. It was awful.

Perhaps we eat more next time? My stomach was growling as soon as I'd finished eating.

I'm chalking today as a "rest" day, b/c I don't think it should count.

And it doesn't count.

3 4 3 5

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Out and Back

Run: 4 miles
Time: 46:35
Mood: Nothing to report

I got super lucky today. It was BEAST out for the most of the morning/early afternoon, and then the monsoons hit and it cooled down a solid 20 degrees.

Even though it was 80, it was nowhere near balmy. Still sticky and humid.

Went out 2.5 and then turned around. I wanted to walk the last mile back to loosen up my legs, plus there's something about that last mile that plagues me, my legs get tired and I lose focus. Probably b/c I know I'm almost done.

The 4 were strong, no panting or loss of form really. I probably could have tacked on another mile and gotten this week's long run out of the way, but that would mess me up I think. I'm trying to keep my long runs on Sunday, since that's the day of the week I'll be racing on. I think I may try to do this week's 5 miler on Friday morning, b/c I'm out of town part of the weekend.

Wore some new gear today. I finally got one of those swanky stretchy racerback tops. It looks like it's straight from the 80s, but I don't care. A little tight for my tastes, but it was nice not to have sleeves today and to look like an actual...oh I don't know...runner?

3 4 3 5

Also, new blog post. These guys run for days at a time, its insane.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Herrow Monday

Run: 3.03 miles
Time: 35 flat
Mood: le tired

Let's have a round of applause for the fact that I actually got out of bed this morning. Hit snooze twice, but eventually got out the door. I've learned that just getting myself out the door is the battle, the run comes pretty easily after that.

Did the usual three-mile loop. Felt normal, It was a bit hot. iPod was no help this morning, started pumping out Christmas music when I needed my kick anthem.

Mile 1 and mile 3 were great, and I finished strong. Wrapped it up with some lunges and upper body strength training.

Ran on Saturday morning in the gym because it was SO hot out at 10 a.m., I forgot to eat or drink water so it sucked. We'll call it a "maintenance" run.

This week is a 3-4-3-5 week. Check off the 3 for today, gonna go for 4 in the morning, rest on Wednesday, hit the second three on Thursday, then hopefully have a 5-mile-morning on Friday. Saturday we're out of town, but I'm going to at least try to get a mile or so done just to get the blood flowing. Pretty sure next week tops at 6 miles.

It's go time.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Slow and Steady...

Run: 4 miles
Time: 46?
Mood: Hot

Went for a run after work, in the 90-something degree weather. I'd remembered to hydrate this afternoon, and fueled up with some munchkins. I went super slow, because I wanted to get in a solid 4 - next week I start the fun part: mileage increases. Next week is 5 miles, then 6, then so on and so forth. If I learned anything from the CB 10-miler training, it's that I can't skip the long runs. I need to hit them, and hit them well.

The first two miles felt great, I even considered going past the 2 mile mark, but I knew I'd be paying for it on the return. The back was, as usual, slightly uphill. I negotiated with myself the last mile or so, "I could do 3.5, that's still good. I could stop now, it's been 40 minutes." But I took Scott's advice and when I wanted to stop, I simply thought about something else. Like work. Or this blog post.

Two easy miles in the morning.

Also, two new blog posts...

5 Presidents Who Would Want You to Be Fit

You Might Be a Runner If...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Da 4th of July

Well it was a semi-successful training weekend. I intended to get in a good run to the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday morning, but got exasperated when I thought I had to run across a 4-lane highway unaccompanied (read: Scott was already standing on the other side jogging in place). So I turned around. Apparently if I had turned my head to the right, I would have seen that said "highway" was actually an entrance to Arlington Cemetery and is blocked off 24-7. My four mile run turned into a 1-mile pissy run.


Monday was a good morning, it was muggy, but still knocked out 2.5 miles pretty easily. Followed by lunges and stretching (read: Scott hadn't finished his 5-mile run yet) and squealing over the two boxers that this poor man was walking by with. I did really feel bad for him, I bet it looked like I was gonna run up and hug him or something.

I need a dog. Stat.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Belly Breathing

I've had a few runs I haven't posted about. Saturday morning I had to get up at 6 a.m. to get a run in, but I did it. Wasn't really a long run or a good run, moreso just to get the blood flowing and tack on run #3 for last week.

I took Sunday off and got in a really strong run on Monday. Tuesday was a bust b/c I was in the car driving to NJ for a funeral. When you wake up at 4:30, there's really no room to wake up "earlier" for a run.

Yesterday I did an evening run on the trail behind my office - which I haven't run on in forever. Did about three miles - all of which sucked. I mean, mile one felt good, but when does it not?

Got another run planned for tonight, hopefully one in the morning, and then two this holiday weekend.

I'm trying this new breathing technique I read about the other day. It's basically yoga breathing, where you fill up your belly and diaphragm with one long slow breath through your nose, and then exhale everything in your lungs while you run. Breathe, repeat.

It takes about three strides on either end of this breath, and it's a vast change from panting. I honestly feel stronger. It just takes some discipline to do. Because when you're powering up a hill all you want to do is take short, quick breaths. So maintaining the slow breathing at this time takes some effort - but it's worth it.

Plus when I run by people and I don't sound like a dying horse, I feel better about myself. And they look less alarmed.

Friday, June 24, 2011

"It's like talking to a wall."

These are words my dear dad has said to me on numerous occasions because sometimes I can be

I left all my runs for the end of the week yet again - even after I learned my lesson last week. And the week before that.

After like a 4-day hiatus, I got back to it last night and this morning. Last night's run was in the gym, so I took advantage of the pacing function and varied my speeds while watching Bones. Even warmed up and stretched. It's the little things that count, you know? Finished it up with some heavy incline trudging. Then I came home and baked cookies for a family birthday thing this weekend and didn't eat ANY of them. Not a ONE. Count it!

Ran this morning, it was so humid. Finished with some lunges and I think they are working because I'm not sore at all yet. Ask me tomorrow though.

Getting up early to head to Chesapeake and planning on getting up before to run. We will see how it goes.

And with that, I sign off!

Friday, June 17, 2011

There's No Crying in Baseball

Run: 20 minutes
Mood: Self-deprecating

It's mornings like this where I seriously question my ability to run a marathon. When it's a 20 minute run and I'm struggling to finish.

I did it to myself. Went to the Nat's game last night with Em, my dad and my grandpa. Em and I had hot dogs and then nachos. I drank soda. No water in sight.

Paid for it this morning.

But on the up-side, I did stretch really well, and did lunges, sit-ups and push-ups. I guess that helps?

Gonna hit it hard in the morning with a fast 20.

Two more blog posts this week:

Hash Running:

Homemade Energy Bars:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Easy Street

It's an easy training week, all 20 minute runs. I've got two under my belt for the week, one solo and one with Scott.

We discovered that my sprint pace is his "normal" pace.

I'm not built for speed, people! I'm built for distance!

Two more to go for the week. I'm spicing it up with some cross training and lunges. My legs are ascreamin' today.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Runs: 35 min and 25 min
Mood: Oy, Oy, Oy

It was Thursday evening. I still had three runs to do this week. I'd eaten an insanely heavy dinner. I had just painted my toes. But I had to get a run done.

So I did.

Thanks to Jen's none-too-gentle encouragement: "Stephanie, you have to run. You're training for a MARATHON! Screw the polish, even if it gets messed up you'll know you had your priorities right!"

Off to the gym I went. It was practically empty, and I did my 35 minutes. It was painful, past my bedtime and I wanted to yack because my food wasn't digested, but I did it.

Then I needed to get a run done today. I headed out for my second run in 12 hours this morning. And it went as expected. My body stuttered to a halt at 25 minutes, half-way up a hill. I walked the ten minutes home.

What did we learn? Don't procrastinate and leave your runs to the end of the week.

One more this weekend and then I'll have completed all four. Check!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


From the Capital Crescent Trail 5K over Memorial Day weekend. Not too hot, not too shabby. ;)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Moot Morning

Time: 35
Distance: 3+
Mood: Moot

It was an ok run this morning. Did the usual route in the usual time. Felt really sluggish at the end. If it's the last five minutes of a run that separates the women from the girls, then I think I was in the teen/young adult area. Eh.

But putting a green check mark on the training calendar felt really good.

No geese this morning, but there were apparently a few jackasses on the road. (I don't have to bleep that out b/c it's an animal. Look it up.)

I'm not sure what day in school they taught little boys that it was a good idea to honk the horns of their Tonka trucks at little girls as they pass, but it's ineffectual. I'm pretty sure I had perfect attendance throughout my developmental years, so I don't think this was ever in any textbook.

Therefore, I have NO IDEA where it started, but it's annoying. Please stop. While I appreciate the enthusiasm, there will never be a day where I'm going to positively respond to the greasy guy hanging out of his truck honking his horn and yelling. Ever.

Monday, June 6, 2011

And another...

The last blog blew up, but this one's not doing as hot. You rock some, you do ok in some. Sunrise, sunset.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Run: 35
Mood: Voracious

I'm not a man-eater, but a hill-eater. I reversed part of my route so that I ran up the long hill I usually run down, and it was fantastic. My pace was a wee bit slower, but I trucked on through. Kept cadence and form. It felt fantastic.

Oh, and I also almost got hit by a car. Thank you for stopping, pick-up truck driver.

P.S. The weather this morning was g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s. I actually stopped for a second in shock. There was even a little breeze. Top o' the mornin' to ya, Momma Nature.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Buenos Dias

Time: 35
Distance: 3.34
Mood: Schweaty

The thing that actually got me out of bed this morning was the thought of having to run in the heat this afternoon. Did a little over 3 miles, and felt pretty good. I woke up a little before 5 and drank a glass of water, then downed another before I headed out at 6. Hydration? Check.

Got attacked by a stink bug. And by "attacked" I mean "it landed on me and I freaked out." Actually ran by the geese this morning without stopping. I think we're gaining a mutual respect for one another. Or I just got lucky. Either way, score one for me.

Ran the whole time, and kicked out the last two minutes of the run pretty quickly.

Looks like I'm now a morning runner. I actually don't mind.

May be running the Susan G. Komen 5K this Saturday if my co-worker finds out she can't. Free bib. I'll take it!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thou Shalt Run Hard

Raced on Saturday morning. It was a cute little local 5K to save part of the Capital Crescent Trail that may be bulldozed to make way for a part of the new Purple Line on the Metro.

I cut a minute off of last summer's 5K time and came in at 31 flat. First mile was about 9:45. I passed people...that's right. (*brushes shoulders off*) I hope they took pictures because I finished like an absolute beast. There is no feeling like passing people right before the finish line. :)

I did tell everyone that I passed "good job" - because that's what we used to do in cross-country. I ran by a dad and his little son (I don't know how old they are when they are waist-height - Emily can weigh in on this) and said "good job little man" as I passed. I heard the dad say to his son: "Oh look...'semper fi.'" (I was wearing the Marine Corps Marathon training shirt that Bobby got me, which has this phrase on the back - much to Scott's chagrin.)

Which brings me to my next point: running in anything remotely related to the armed services makes me run harder. Sometimes I do morning runs in this Army PT shirt of Scott's that I stole, and now I have what appears to be a Marine Corps shirt. I think it's because I feel I have a duty not to embarrass the men and women who actually serve (thank you all). People see me in the gear, and people think I'm a part of it. So when I run in it, I run hard.

Managed a run this morning. Even at 6 a.m. it was boiling out and I was drenched after the first two miles. Got in two decent hills. I stopped to let some geese pass (again, I don't mess with the geese), and actually walked for a few minutes. I'd say I did a total of 40 minutes...and walk/ran the last ten. I'm not sorry.

We're getting into that time of year again where hydration matters. It matters a lot. And I need to do more of it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Five on the Red, Six on the Blue

Run: 30 minutes
Mood: Akimbo

Got up and ran this morning, started slow. Felt awkward. I saw my shadow and I was running really weirdly. My arms were weird. It was weird. Maybe that's how I always run and never knew? Oh well.

Hit the hill again - crushed it. Ran very quietly by the geese around the pond. I've seen enough America's Funniest Home Videos to know those suckers will chase and nip you. I give them proper respect and space, I'm no fool. Also, there was a pretty big turtle. "That's why I come up here. Naaaaaaature." (David is about the only person who is gonna get that quote. Maybe Emily, too.)

My iPod did me solid this morning, it was all The Clarks, O.A.R., and Something Corporate.

P.S. You know you're a runner when you walk into your room after work and get hit in the face with the "gym bag" smell. You know what I'm talking about. Sweaty running clothes. Gross.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Did We Learn?

Run: 30 minutes
Mood: Awesome

My brothers are in a learning curve at the moment. David learned his lesson a few weeks ago with this post. After it went up, he said "OK, very funny. Now take it down." Nope.

Bobby is learning his with this current post.

What are we learning? When you have a sister who blogs, everything is fair game. :)

I came home from work yesterday to find a package on the kitchen table. I haven't ordered anything in awhile, so I was intrigued. I opened it up to find a Marine Corps Marathon training shirt. At first I thought, "Oh the marathon peoples send you a training shirt. How cute." Then I looked at the packing slip.

Ship to: Stephanie Tait
Purchased by: Bobby Tait

Say wha??? My oldest brother ordered me a rather lovely training shirt (pretty nice wick-away material, too).

What an ass.*

Actually, it was really sweet of him and I was totally touched but he didn't want me saying it was nice (Because why would Bobby want people to know that he does nice things, it would totally ruin his rep. Hence the disclaimer I promised him below). In his defense, when I called to thank him he did answer the phone with, "Um. Why are you calling me?" So see? Reputation in tact.

I got up early to run in my new shirt and even took a picture like I told brother dear I was going to:

I saved the photo as "le tired" because it was about 6:45 in the morning after a 30 minute run. And...well...I was tired.

The actual running part went really well. I woke up at 5 and chugged a glass of water, then went back to sleep for about an hour. Got up at 6 (thanks to a scheduled wake up call from Scott) and hit the road.

I do need to make a running playlist though. I put my iPod on shuffle and about ten minutes in, I'd already had to skip two Christmas songs and three really slow emo songs - including that no-matter-how-far-past-an-old-relationship-you-are-it-still-makes-you-want-to-set-yourself-on-fire song that everyone has. (Thank you, Lifehouse.)

I did add in a new hill to spice things up, and I even managed to get all the way up it without breaking my form. Made breakfast at home, too. Props, folks.

*Disclaimer: Brothers mentioned in this blog want you to know they are not at nice as they appear.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Da Dash!

Two runs this weekend. One about 20 minutes on Saturday that left me with an awesomely un-awesome sunburn and then the Warrior Dash on Sunday which wasn't so much a "run" as it was a "hill workout."

A group of us signed up for the Warrior Dash a few months ago. It's basically a 5K with a bunch of obstacles along the way.

It turned out to be a mud run. The first half of the course was through the woods and it was sneaker-sucking mud. Literally - there were sneakers stuck in the mud. Not possible to run unless you cut through the woods (and we aren't cheaters.) There was a net climb (eh), a few tire things (meh), some fire-jumping (that was ok), a crawl through this dark tunnel thing through matter that had the consistency of something thicker than stew but less so than mud (my knees are raw), a massive slip-n-slide (again, please!), and then an alligator crawl/doggie paddle through a pool of muck under barbed wire (oh. heck. yes.).

We ended like this...

But were crowned with these...

Not bad for a day's work. Triny and I ended up sprinting up the hills so we could count it at least as a "hill workout."

Three runs last week. Not too shabby.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Manic Monday

Time: 25 minutes
Mood: Strong

This week is a 25 minute week, so that's what I did today. It was raining after work so I drove a few coworkers home, then actually came home and went for a run. If you know me, you know how hard it is to come home and then work out. I usually run on the trail right after work because I tend to lose all motivation the moment I walk in the door.

Hooray for Monday.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Calm down people. Pitchforks down. Flames out. Breathe in deep.....and let it out.

Feel better?

I've been mostly on schedule with the running this week. I hear some of you scoffing at me. And I actually did post yesterday, but Blogger was down so it didn't take.

20 minutes + sprints on Wednesday and another 20 minute run this morning.

I think I've finally discovered the secret to morning running. I set out my clothes/watch/iPod the night before, then the next morning after two hits of the snooze button (and a phone call from Scott) I'm bright-eyed and not-so-bushy-tailed as I head out the door.

That's the key: just getting out the door.

And for those of you who gasped at my mention of an iPod, stick it. I used to train without music, but at this point I'm willing to do anything to motivate myself. This time I downloaded a new Adele song that I was excited to listen to.

Although I have to say, sprinting down the street with "Turning Tables" playing made me feel like I was in an 80s movie. Like I should have been crying and running away from some affront to my innocence.

Two points for using "affront" in an everyday sentence.

I've got a run tomorrow with Scott (so I'll be running and he will probably be fast walking next to me because he has the pace of a small horse) and then a trail run with Triny on Sunday.

Warrior Dash next Sunday!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hump Day

Time: 20 minutes + speed intervals
Mood: Complacent

I knew it was gonna hurt, my first run back on training. And it did. My sides were burning and I was practically panting. I didn't even whine about it, I just knew it was gonna happen. My own fault.

These first few weeks of training are all about minutes, not miles. So this week is all 20 minute runs, next week are 25 minute runs and so on and so forth. I did my 20 minutes and then finished out the rest of the way back with some speed intervals.

It was a gorgeous evening. I even remembered to stretch.

Monday, May 9, 2011

O' Other Brother

Yesterday I was home for Mother's Day. My eldest brother, whom I will be running my marathon with, called to talk with my mom. About fifteen minutes into their conversation my mom walks over to me and hands me the phone with a smirk, saying, "Your brother wants to know how your training is going."

The conversation went something like this:

Bobby: Hey, just wanted to see how training is going.

Me: Err, have you read the blog?

Bobby: Yeah, but there haven't been any recent posts.

Me: Exactly.

I told him that I hadn't stopped completely (I've been running once or twice a week so my body doesn't completely forget what running is), I've just been on a hiatus.

Which I have.

I think the 10-mile race sucked to the point of damaging my motivation. It wasn't fun. Not in the least. I didn't enjoy it at all.

It's gotten to the point where I completely forgot I'm running a marathon for a second. My mom mentioned that my brother would be in town in October and  - no joke - I asked what was going on in October that he would be in town.

Your marathon, she said.

Oh. Yes. That.

Bobby did let me know that the 16 week mark was coming up, which is the point where beginners need to start training. I'm not a beginner, because I've been running pretty steadily for a year - so that makes me feel a bit better.

I did some research today, and I'm 25 weeks out from marathon day. So I've created what looks to be a beginner's training schedule: And I'm completely ok with it.

Here it is:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

One Sore Puppy

Run: 2.5
Time: 29ish
Mood: Hot

It was beastly out today! The breeze was nice at the beginning of the run, but then it just....stopped. And it was sweltering.

I did the first two miles with my co-workers Elise and Stephanie, and then finished the last half mile solo. Topped it all off with a few sprint.

My legs are screaming at me - they have been all day. I finished off yesterday morning's run with lunges. Needless to say, I need to do them more often because it hurts to even walk today.

Tomorrow I shall run again!

Also, a shout-out to Jen for running a mile at the gym today. Get it girl! Warrior Dash - watch out!

O Brother

My brother is one angry elf that I haven't been blogging much this month.
David: still no updates on the blog? you are on the verge of losing a follower...
me: haha, hush. you'll have one tonight. i'm super sore from a workout yesterday.
David: nope. not good enough steph. two posts in the MONTH of April?
me: ok fine, give me one sec.
David: I can infer one of two things: First, training is no longer going according to plan. Second, Training is still going according to plan, but I just do not care to update my zealous followers, each of whom crave to live vicariously through my running triumphs.
I'd say it's more like the first one. Ran and did cross-training yesterday, planning a run tonight. And then making up my training calendar for the next few months.

Patience, young grasshoppers!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sit Down Before Reading

Run: 1 mile
Time: 9:03
Mood: Strong like bull!

Well hi, it's been awhile. Since April 3 to be exact. How are you? Good. Oh me? I'm good, just managed to hit a 9:03 mile pace, that's all.

Let that sink in.

That's right kids, I ran a nine minute mile yesterday. AND I passed a relatively fit looking guy who seemed to be going at a decent pace.

Let that also sink in.

Why is this a big deal? My usual pace is about an 11 give or take - and I'm usually the one getting passed. I've hit 10s before on short runs when I'm feeling froggy. But I can honestly say I haven't hit this speed since high school. And even then, I think I may have run an 8:30 when I was in top shape.

Now let's overthink this. It may have been because I was running in my old orange Nikes which felt super light. It could have been that I've been on a pretty strict diet for the past week and I've dropped a few pounds. It could have been a fluke because I literally took a week off from running.

Whatever it was, it felt fantastic. Down right gazelle-like. A nine minute mile felt great.

And then I walked the mile back. :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cherry Blossom 10-Miler

Run: 10 miles
Time: 1:58
Mood: Kicking myself for not training better.

Barely awake.

Things we learned on race day:
  • When you train like an ass, you race like an ass.
  • I don't know who "Tim" is, but apparently his "slow was showing" according to a sign his friends were holding up.
  • I was right to pass up the "free oreos and beer" being offered in mile 7. But it was a pretty amazing idea.
  • I, in fact, do not know how to eat Gu without getting it all over me.
  • Seeing the finish line is all the motivation I need to start my finish kick.
  • Chocolate Mint Balance bars taste like Thin Mints.
  • I have the best boyfriend ever. Seeing him jogging on the sidelines in flip flops trying to get pictures was so great. So supportive, thanks dear. :)
  • You can STILL maintain a 12 minute pace when you walk/run mile 7 through 9.
  • And finally: I need to train better!
The race went well until about mile 6. I started getting tired, and sluggish. I will admit - in the spirit of truth - that I did a walk/run combo for miles 7 through 9. Walk for about a minute, run for a few minutes. I was definitely that annoying person that I usually hate who will walk, I'll pass them, then they'll run again and pass me.

I DID manage to beat the slow bus. So I guess it was a success.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lucky Number Seven

Run: 7 miles
Time: Stopped my watch in awe after I hit 10K
Mood: Like a rockstar

I didn't do 8 miles, I did seven miles. Why, you ask? Because when I hit mile 3.5, it hit me back with the realization that I forgot my passkey to get back into the office. Where all of my belongings were - important things like keys and my wallet. So I turned my happy self around and hoofed it back to work. Luckily, I was able to catch a coworker coming out of the building who let me back in. Whew.

Highlights from yesterday's run:
  • I broke not only my 5K time, but also my 10K time. Hit 3 miles at 31 (shaved a minute off), and 6.2 at 1:04 (shaved 6 minutes off). No kidding, I was shocked at both of them. Stopped my watch at the 10K I was so stunned.
  • My favorite flavor of Gu is orange. And I've mastered the art of eating it while running without getting it all over myself. (*pat on back*).
  • I ran out of Montgomery County yesterday. There was a sign and everything.
  • Yes, I walked part of mile 7 but then integrated some sprints to make up for it. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
  • I am sore as hell today.
  • And finally, I did it all by myself! Ended up running alone, and killed it.
I don't know why I had such a great run. Maybe it was the hydration. Maybe it was the balance bar. Maybe it was the Gu. Maybe it was the fact that the 3.5 miles out were slightly down hill. Who knows? And better yet, who cares?!

Bring on the 10-miler!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"So, no blog action for awhile."

I know I haven't posted in awhile when people start bringing it up....

Run: 3 miles
Time: 33 flat
Mood: Eh

I ran last night with a coworker who hadn't run in awhile. She did the first mile with me, and we came in at 11:20. I did the second two miles alone and ended at 33, so I punched up the pace.

For those of you who don't know, I've got a 10-mile race this weekend. So far my distance has only been 6 miles, but I'm hoping to get an 8-miler under my belt tonight with the help of my guy. I will add that he will be running at my pace - but with a 40 pound "ruck." That's a backpack, folks. A weighted backpack. He has to weight himself down to "trot" at my pace. Oy.

Regardless, I'll have a lot more confidence to race 10 miles this weekend if I get 8 miles down tonight.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


We might be in trouble. And by "we," I mean "me." I might be in trouble.

I haven't posted in awhile, I know I know, I'm sorry. I've gotten in some pretty decent outdoor runs, the most fun was this weekend's three mile trail run with my roommate. It was a legitimate trail, jumping over streams, dodging rocks and roots. Unfortunately, I twisted my ankle in the first mile. It didn't hurt at the time, but it started to feel sore yesterday. Then it started to bruise last night. I can walk ok, but if I even remotely try to rotate my foot to the right, it's a searing pain.

And I need to run tonight.

Race is in less than two weeks, and I'm only up to 6 miles. It's a 10 mile race. The mathematics aren't really panning out on this one. I need to at least get 8 miles in one swoop. I want to try to do an easy run tonight, ease my ankle into it. Not sure if I need an ace bandage or anything.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh heck yes!

Run: 6+ miles
Time: 70~
Mood: Schweaty

Training note: treadmills cut off at 60 minutes.

You heard right. After an hour straight, the treadmill switches into "cool down" mode, leaving you jogging in place, cursing under your breath trying to reset it because you're almost done with your 6 mile run. But wait, you reset the machine before you checked to see how far you'd run (you hang your fleece over the display so you can't obsess over every fraction of a mile).

This means you run another mile...just to be safe.

Welp folks, this was my run tonight. Treadmill shut off, and I reset it before I remembered to see how far I'd run. I know for a fact I didn't go lower than a 12 minute pace - I varied my speeds between 5.2 and 4.8. Even if I did a 12 minute mile for five miles, that puts me at 5 miles exactly (I know I ran faster than that). Then I tacked on another mile for insurance.

The end result? A completely drenched Stephanie who most likely ran over six miles tonight.

Again, I hydrated today, stretched and also had a protein shake after my run as well as some chicken enchiladas in celebration of my last night of cheese-eating until Easter -- you're welcome Jesus.

I did four miles yesterday, got another run in over the weekend, a few runs last week after my last post. Tomorrow I'm planning on getting in my first outside run since it got too dark out -- probably mid-November.

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Own Worst Enemy

Run: 5 miles
Time: ~59
Mood: Fantabulous
Training Goal: I scrapped them.

Don't read this unless you're sitting down. Are you sitting down? Ok, well take a seat...I'll wait.

You good? Ok.

Today, I:
  • Hydrated. 
  • Warmed up. 
  • Stretched. 
  • Ran 5 miles. 
  • Cooled down. 
  • Stretched. 
  • Hydrated. 
  • Drank a protein shake.

You fell off your chair, didn't you? I bet you're glad I told you to sit down.

Yes folks, I had an amazing run today because I did WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO DO. I realized this weekend that I've been making excuses and - well - whining about how running wasn't going well, etc., when I've been doing it to myself.

My friend suggested I scrap my training emails and do what I wanted to do, what I enjoyed, so that's what I'm doing. Was I supposed to do 5 miles today? No, I was technically supposed to be resting after yesterday's "7 mile run" (ha!). I went through my calendar today and figured out that I need to add a mile to my long runs every week and then I'll be up to 9 the week before the Cherry Blossom. This week I needed to knock out 5. Check!

I felt fantastic at the gym, it wasn't a real effort until mile 4.5.

And tonight's protein shake? 1 banana, 1 scoop vanilla whey, 2 spoon fulls of peanut butter, 8 oz. skim milk, ice. Blended. Scrumtrulescent.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Three miles this morning. And yes, I walked for about .2 after the second mile, but got right back to it.

It hurt. It wasn't graceful. It didn't look good (trust me, I was running next to the mirror). There's nothing like mascara streaking down your face to make the boys come a runnin'.

Rain, rain go away...makes for a grumpy morning.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's Official: I'm In

Well folks. It's done. I'm officially registered for the Marine Corps Marathon.


A huge thank you to Bobby for texting to remind me that registration had opened. After an hour and a half of us texting and calling each other to check the status - Are you in? I can't get the registration page! - both of us finally managed to get signed on up!

He called me to make sure I had gotten in, too. And I said I had. Then my ever-wise elder sibling chirps: "Well, at least the hard part is over."

Optimistic little bugger, isn't he? :)
My estimated finishing time? 5 hours.

Bobby's? 3.5 hours.

To quote my coworker when I told her this, "Well, they don't call it a marathon for nothing."

Going to attempt a 4-mile interval run tonight on four hours of sleep. Oy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pros and Cons

Taking a week off from training was either a great idea (I feel back to 100 percent) or a horrible idea (I've pretty much reset my training).

Sunday I got back on the treadmill after a week's absence. It missed me, I know it did. I ran a mile and then...I walked...and then I ran...and then I walked. I did this for three miles.

I haven't had to do that in a long time. I talked with my oldest brother (who just ran his second marathon and shaved 9 minutes off of his time - go Bobby), and he said that it only takes 3-4 days for your body to start losing some of the benefits of your training.


I guess I'm not really sorry, because I did need time to get healthy again. Last night I hammered out two miles, the second one sub-11. It felt great, a little weezy, but great.

Tonight I'm shooting for a solid three. And I'm actually looking forward to a 4-mile interval run tomorrow.

That's right, I said it. Looking forward to an interval run. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rule # 76: No Excuses, Play Like a Champion

You may have noticed that I haven't posted in a week, and that's because I haven't run in a week.

Before you get your pitchforks and torches ready to hunt me down, it was for good reason. I've been fighting a pretty nasty cold for the past two weeks and last week things started to get...well...gross. So I went to the doctor - turns out I had a sinus infection. Great. Oh, and pink eye. Perfect. Oh wait, also an ear infection.


So on the advice of my unofficial trainer, Miss Triny, I took some time off to "let my body heal." I did a SUPER easy walk/run today to get myself prepped for this week's back-on-the-wagon training. The good news is, I'm on steroids for this thing with my ear, so I'm really hoping it does something to boost me back into the swing of things. Maybe? Just a little? No? Ok.

The bad news is, this week was a 6 mile long run, that I missed. And next week looks like it's supposed to be 7. I have some catching up to do.

I'm also cutting weight before my race on April. 3. Already down two pounds, although it may be muscle loss from a week of not running. I'm telling myself it's the salads. ;)

Stay tuned.

Monday, February 14, 2011

When in Rome...

That doesn't really apply here. (Anchorman, for those of you who are like whaa?)

Run: 4.5
Time: Can't even remember
Mood: Gasping
Training Goal: Epic Fail

Yesterday was supposed to be 5 miles, it ended up at 4.5. My legs felt like lead and I completely lost focus. I think I might turn one of my easy runs this week into a long run of 5, because next Sunday is 6 miles.

Saturday I got in an easy 3. Felt great. Watched Heath Ledger. Amazing.

My quad is still really tight, wondering what to do about it. I considered icing yesterday, but didn't get around to it. Maybe more stretching?

Friday, February 11, 2011


Run: 3 miles
Time: 34?
Mood: Sickly
Training Goal: Met-ish

Monday was a long run, Tuesday was a recovery day and Wednesday night I gave my body another day of rest. I keep getting a cold that's knocking me out, so I tried to take it easy.

Yesterday I still felt like a trainwreck, but knew three days sans running would kill me, so I went anyway. Did a mile warmup, then a mile and a half of intervals (should have been two). Dropped my speed pace by about 45 seconds down to 9:14. Jogs were still at 11:30. I was going to stick it out for the two solid interval miles, but my nose started to run and sweat was making my already-raw nose sting and burn like you wouldn't believe.

Felt great, left the gym drenched. Came home to homemade Allie dinner. Om nom nom.

Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes and salad. Yum-o.

Today I'm supposed to increase the distance of my "easy" days by 1 mile. So that makes easy days 4-milers. Ten bucks says they will up the long run by 1 mile this week to 6. Shoot me.

Persistent pain in right quad that usually lasts the day after a hard run (like last night). Need to stretch more.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Food for Thought

I read this today and it was a really good boost. Some days I have runs that crush my training goals, and some days I struggle, like Monday:
A solid...race is not made from a handful of good runs, but rather the sum of good, bad and sometimes ugly workouts. As you make your way through the training program, remember not every run will be your strongest. Even the world's fastest elite runners have tough running days. If you're having a rough day, slow the pace, and get through it. It's all part of the training process and breaking through to your running best. The great workouts will build confidence, the challenging "When-can-I-stop" runs will develop mental strength, and all of them combined will keep your momentum flowing.
Perfect fuel for my interval workout tonight. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Five Mile Monday

Run: 5 miles
Time: ~ 59
Mood: Deathly
Training Goal: Met

Long run today. Added a mile to last week's long run. Longest I've run since the 10K in October. It hurt like hell. That is all.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Run: 4 miles
Time: 44:43
Mood: Emotional
Training Goal: Crushed!

Wednesday was an interval day. My training email literally said, "if you ran one mile of intervals last week, add another mile this week." All nonchalant. Like it was no big deal. So that means 2 miles of intervals. One mile warm-up. One mile cool-down. Put it all together and what do you get? A 4-mile interval run. How fun! :)

Pace was 11:30 for the jog and 10 for the quick. AND I even set the incline at 1% for the whole shebang, sans the last mile because let's face it - I was about done by that point.

No, I didn't stretch. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Manic Monday

Run: 4 miles
Time: 48? Give or take some seconds?
Mood: Determined
Training Goal: Inadvertently met.

Yesterday was supposed to be my long run, but I wasn't feeling up to it. I decided to swap whatever today's run was supposed to be, with my long run yesterday. Lucky me, my training email this morning said today is supposed to be a rest day. No harm, no foul.

It was definitely a mind-over-matter run. I haven't been doing distance all winter, mostly just three mile maintenance runs. Breaking out of the box was a little difficult. Apparently next week I'm supposed to tack on another mile to my long runs, so I'll be back up to 10K training distances. My training guide says these long runs are supposed to be at an "easy, conversational pace." I had no problem running a 11:30-11:45 pace.

In other news, my oldest brother ran his first marathon. In the rain. His text said he did well until "mile 24, when I hit a wall and lost my pace." I was thinking: well duh you hit a wall. The kid still finished in a little over three hours. Congrats, Bobby.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Run: 3 miles
Time: 34?
Mood: Meh
Training Goal: met

We're broadcasting live from the Starbucks by my house. Mother nature saw fit to take away my power, so I'm relegated to Starbucks. Eating Chipotle. Keeping it hidden behind my purse. So the barristas don't see.

Today was an easy training day to build stamina. Three miles on the treadmill, followed by a shower (finally) in the locker room. I believe tomorrow is another rest day, then a loooooooong run this weekend.

Now we kill time until Starbucks closes and we have to go back to the icebox that is my house. Anyone want to snuggle?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Run: 3 miles
Time: 33
Mood: Owie
Training Goal: Met-ish

I woke up this morning to an email that said my workout today was: 3-5 miles, include 1-3 miles of aerobic intervals. I shut off my alarm and went back to sleep.

So after work I went to the gym. With the intention of doing a total of four miles.

I only made it through 3. First mile went ok, then a mile of intervals. 15 seconds fast, 45 seconds normal. Then I pulled back for a quarter mile, did a half of 1:1 intervals, and finished the last quarter strong.

I sore. Thank god tomorrow is a rest day.

Monday, January 24, 2011

It begins.

Run: 3 miles
Time: 34:30
Mood: Overestimated
Training goal: MET! "2-4 miles, easy pace"

I started day 1 of Cherry Blossom 10 Miler training today. It was one of those wake-up-five-minutes-before-the-alarm-refreshed mornings. I will note: it was 14 degrees when I got in my car. 14 degrees. Insanity.

Woke up, checked my phone and my training schedule was in my inbox. I signed up for the online training course as intermediate (even though my running for the past two months has been anything but) and they email you the week's workouts on Monday and then every day you get a detailed explanation of what kind of workout it should be. This morning's run was at a "conversational" pace. I didn't have anyone to talk to, so I just set my speed a little lower than normal.

I felt great. So great, in fact, that I told myself:  "hm, probably shouldn't overdo it...let me make sure I'm not running over three miles, I've got to be close already." So I lifted up the cloth covering the mileage display thinking I was about to go over three miles...

I was at a mile and a half. Nice one, Steph.

Here's the week's breakdown:

Mon. - Distance: 2-4 miles

Tues. - Distance: 3-5 miles

Wed. - Rest Day

Thu. - Distance: 2-4 miles

Fri. - Rest Day

Sat. - Distance: 2-4 miles

Sun. - Distance: 4-7 miles

It's calling for two days of rest, but I'll be doing workouts on these days, probably strength training. There's a body pump class that I want to take on Wednesday, so hopefully Thursday's run isn't a speed workout.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Run: 2.5
Time: 45 min total
Mood: Not so hot

I'm in the beginnings of what looks like the flu. Sore throat and bad stomach. And yet, I went to the gym. Probably because I didn't run for almost 6 straight days last week. I know, I know.

Got in a 2-miler yesterday at the gym with Trin-tastic. Today I did a mile and a half at an 11 pace and then did some speed intervals for the last mile, alternating a 12 min. pace with a 9 min. pace - one minute on, one minute off.

After that, I rounded out 45 minutes on two ellipticals.

And now I want to die, really not feeling too hot.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Early Bird Gets the Treadmill

Run: 3 miles
Time: 34 + 10
Mood: Yawning

I woke up a half hour before my get-up-early-for-gym alarm this morning, probably because I was dead to the world by 10 last night. Got three miles done while watching Full House and then hiked for another 10. Got home and even managed to stretch (you're welcome Allie) AND make breakfast. Egg beaters + ham + broccoli + cheddar = a very happy Stephanie.

I took yesterday off because my right shin was killing me down near my ankle. But I got up this morning and it felt totally fine - still feels back to normal - maybe just needed a rest after Monday's four-miler.

I was thinking to myself how when I started running again over the summer, a mile and a half was a decent run for a normal day. And then 2 miles was a normal day. And now three miles is a normal day. I'm getting to the point where I'm disgusted with myself for not running over three miles - like I consider it a lazy day.

Guess I'm officially a runner.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Afternoon Delight

Run: 4 miles
Time: total of 60
Mood: Stella!

I have to day off of work so I went to the gym around noon. An Officer and a Gentleman was on and I totally knocked out four miles at about an 11:30 split drooling over Richard Gere. After that, I hiked on an incline to round out my total time to an hour. It was a great workout overall, and I was insanely productive afterwards.

I even stretched a little bit when I got home. That's right.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Much Needed Boost

Run: 3 miles
Time: ~34?
Mood: Grrrreat!

I was laying around after we finished 906 Christmas generally feeling crappy and moody. So I decided to kick myself in the rear and go to the gym. Best idea I've had in awhile. I ended up watching the last part of the Ravens/Bengals game and actually got into it. Threw my hands up in the air during the Bengal's last drive (Insert Emily's "Who are you?!" comment here).

Polished off three miles and then hopped on the elliptical for ten minutes to stretch out my legs. Got some great endorphins surging right now.

Surprisingly, the gym was unpacked today, which was good. I have tomorrow off so I will most likely get to the gym during the day - we will wait to see what it's like after work on Tuesday.