Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Well Hi

You didn't really think you were never going to see a post from me again, did you?!

Oh, you did? Bummer.

I basically took last week off. Didn't run, didn't go to the gym, didn't stress, didn't stretch, and didn't really hydrate.

And I felt awwwwwful. I got back into the swing of things this week. Did 1.5 yesterday on the treadmill and then another 20 minutes on the elliptical - killing it. I forgot how good it feels to sweat on the machines. Plus, watching the news at the gym in the morning means I'm that much more informed during the day. Win-win, right?

This morning I got back on the Body Pump wagon. I used to take this class with my friend Hila a few years ago, and I loved it. My whole body would ache and it was fantastic. Body Pump is basically a lifting class, but it's more cardio lifting set to music. The point is not to top out with the weights, but to make it so you're struggling to complete the sets. At which point you move on to another body part. It goes through chest, back, triceps, biceps, legs (front and back - that's lunges and squats), and abs.

The bottom line? It's tough walking down the stairs after class.

I went to the 5:45 a.m. class in Alexandria, and I'm so glad I did! The class was smaller, and the instructor isn't too crazy. And yes, it was tough to drive back to Rockville after. Even tougher to wash my hair.

Today I'll be sore. Tomorrow I'll be incapacitated.

I can't wait.


  1. I'm glad even though the goals have changed that your sticking with it :)
    and a 5am class??!! Good for you. It does feel great at the end of the day when you remember you already worked out that morning and you can just go home after work and relax.

  2. Aw, thanks dear. I appreciate your support. :)

  3. Look into getting a quick massage after those intense work outs it can speed recovery time.
