Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Moot Morning

Time: 35
Distance: 3+
Mood: Moot

It was an ok run this morning. Did the usual route in the usual time. Felt really sluggish at the end. If it's the last five minutes of a run that separates the women from the girls, then I think I was in the teen/young adult area. Eh.

But putting a green check mark on the training calendar felt really good.

No geese this morning, but there were apparently a few jackasses on the road. (I don't have to bleep that out b/c it's an animal. Look it up.)

I'm not sure what day in school they taught little boys that it was a good idea to honk the horns of their Tonka trucks at little girls as they pass, but it's ineffectual. I'm pretty sure I had perfect attendance throughout my developmental years, so I don't think this was ever in any textbook.

Therefore, I have NO IDEA where it started, but it's annoying. Please stop. While I appreciate the enthusiasm, there will never be a day where I'm going to positively respond to the greasy guy hanging out of his truck honking his horn and yelling. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. i feel the same way about guys honking!! it's ridiculous. it baffles me, especially when i am all gross and in gym clothes from working out. it's like do you think you have a better shot because i look unattractive or something? i don't even know. but just like you - never, EVER will i think "wow, he is so sophisticatedly leaning his hands on his horn that he must be a great guy. i wish he would stop his car, pull over, and give me his number."

