Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cherry Blossom 10-Miler

Run: 10 miles
Time: 1:58
Mood: Kicking myself for not training better.

Barely awake.

Things we learned on race day:
  • When you train like an ass, you race like an ass.
  • I don't know who "Tim" is, but apparently his "slow was showing" according to a sign his friends were holding up.
  • I was right to pass up the "free oreos and beer" being offered in mile 7. But it was a pretty amazing idea.
  • I, in fact, do not know how to eat Gu without getting it all over me.
  • Seeing the finish line is all the motivation I need to start my finish kick.
  • Chocolate Mint Balance bars taste like Thin Mints.
  • I have the best boyfriend ever. Seeing him jogging on the sidelines in flip flops trying to get pictures was so great. So supportive, thanks dear. :)
  • You can STILL maintain a 12 minute pace when you walk/run mile 7 through 9.
  • And finally: I need to train better!
The race went well until about mile 6. I started getting tired, and sluggish. I will admit - in the spirit of truth - that I did a walk/run combo for miles 7 through 9. Walk for about a minute, run for a few minutes. I was definitely that annoying person that I usually hate who will walk, I'll pass them, then they'll run again and pass me.

I DID manage to beat the slow bus. So I guess it was a success.


  1. You did it!!! That's better than the millions of people that sat on their couches and did nothing. It's frustrating though when you know you could have done better, but there's always next time :-)

  2. Congratulations!! You ran 10 miles - that's pretty incredible. AND you beat the slow bus! Mission accomplished.
