Run: 8 miles
Time: 1:43 (that's a 12.875 pace)
Mood: Better
That's right folks, ran a solid 8 today. Stopped once to drink water and catch my breath after a pretty long hill. But that's it. Ran the rest.
Scott came with me this morning and he's my lucky charm. It was kind of like running with a leashed horse, because his stride and pace are like double my normal pace. Add the fact that I slowed my 11:30 pace by a full minute (basic math tells us that we ran at a 12:30 split), and the poor fella was practically running in place. But he kept me motivated and stuck by my side.
I also figured out that's what I've been doing wrong - trying to run my distance runs at the same pace as my shorter runs. Tisk, tisk. Sure, it was a slower than sin pace, but I ran the whole thing. It also helped having someone give me a high-five after every hill and to carry the water. :)
This is the first time in a long time where I've actually thought, "I can do this."
It's the best blogiversary present I could have given myself! Yesterday marks a year since I started blogging about my marathon path. Woohoo for dedication!
As a side, I have two new blog posts that I'm super proud of:
Shark Week: Three Things to Learn
How to Date a Runner
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