Friday, July 22, 2011

Hot Dog

I have two horrible runs to report. One was last night in the gym on the treadmill, and one was this morning. Both were abominations.

Last night I went to the gym at like 8 after the dentist after work, and I had only really drank one glass of fizzy water during the day, so it was no surprise that I was done after about two miles. Plus it's so hot out that you break into a full sweat just walking to your car. So that was no bueno. I did set my pace faster, varying between a 10 minute and 11 minute mile. At least picked up the pace.

Which brings me to this morning. Ate a light, healthy dinner last night and hydrated well. Drank water this morning and had a little snack before what was supposed to be a 4-mile run. I headed out a little after six.

And only did a mile.

Good heavens is it hot out. I was completely drenched and dizzy after mile one. Granted, the first mile of this route has two decent hills, both of which I crushed, but wow. I hit the mile mark, turned around and walked home. Where I did some cross-training, and dripped sweat all over the floor.

Apparently you're not even supposed to be outside today at all.

Who knew?

6 miles on Sunday. I'll probably get up at 5 a.m. to do it and then go back to bed...just to try to beat at least some of the heat.

P.S. My marathon-running brother in Texas is probably laughing at my wilting right now. I'm sure it's beast there some days.

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