Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Madness

Run: 5 miles
Time: 58:30
Mood: Can't complain

This was supposed to be done yesterday after the women's world cup game (during which I sat in a pub, and drank water while everyone else had beer - they even had cider on tap. CIDER!), but I had one of those "let me just close my eyes for a minute" moments where I woke up an hour later. I didn't have time to get in a solid 5 before it got dark, so I scheduled it for this morning.

Got up at 5:45, ate a piece of bread with peanut butter, drank a glass of water and hit the pavement.

I had mapped out a new route around Rockville, it took me part of the way on my usual route, but this time I headed out to Montrose and 270 then looped back around. A route that I realized was uphill on the way back in.

Didn't walk, didn't stop. And held form and breathing together until the last hill right before the end, where it got a little ugly, but not too much. And then I finished the last few yards on a downhill, and I don't think I've ever run so fast in my life.

Did a total of 5 runs last week. Now onto six mile week.

Side note: my feet are getting pretty bad. Dry, rough. Where there aren't blisters, there are callouses. Oy. Scott says I have a choice: I can either have athlete's feet and be a runner, or I can have pretty feet and not. Hello, ugly feet.
3 4 3 5     3 4 3 6

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