Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Friday!

Good morning class,

Welp, I popped out of bed at 5:30 this morning to make it to the 5:45 spin class - where I proceeded to sweat my a$$ off. It was amaaaazing. I haven't taken a spin class in years, so I was a little rusty. But you'd be surprised how quickly you remember the hand positions. And the pain the seat causes your rear. Ow.

I snagged a Gatorade on my way out to class and was done with the whole thing about halfway through class. Then I checked the calories...220 for the bottle!

I hope I worked off more than that.

Spin class + spinach wrap + skinny vanilla latte = an awesome morning!

P.S. Yesterday was a rest day. And I can finally walk normally again. The only remaining soreness is really my triceps. Get it.

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