Friday, May 13, 2011


Calm down people. Pitchforks down. Flames out. Breathe in deep.....and let it out.

Feel better?

I've been mostly on schedule with the running this week. I hear some of you scoffing at me. And I actually did post yesterday, but Blogger was down so it didn't take.

20 minutes + sprints on Wednesday and another 20 minute run this morning.

I think I've finally discovered the secret to morning running. I set out my clothes/watch/iPod the night before, then the next morning after two hits of the snooze button (and a phone call from Scott) I'm bright-eyed and not-so-bushy-tailed as I head out the door.

That's the key: just getting out the door.

And for those of you who gasped at my mention of an iPod, stick it. I used to train without music, but at this point I'm willing to do anything to motivate myself. This time I downloaded a new Adele song that I was excited to listen to.

Although I have to say, sprinting down the street with "Turning Tables" playing made me feel like I was in an 80s movie. Like I should have been crying and running away from some affront to my innocence.

Two points for using "affront" in an everyday sentence.

I've got a run tomorrow with Scott (so I'll be running and he will probably be fast walking next to me because he has the pace of a small horse) and then a trail run with Triny on Sunday.

Warrior Dash next Sunday!

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