Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

After spin on Friday, I pretty much took a gym hiatus until Monday evening. At which point I called the gym to check their holiday hours, and discovered that they closed in 35 minutes! I threw on my gym clothes and ran across the street and got in a solid 25 while watching a show about how Rolls Royces are made. In case you're wondering, they are made very expensively.

I got up a schlepped across the street for BodyPump this morning, where I took my weight down just a tad so I am able to walk tomorrow and the day after. It was still brutal.

Tomorrow morning, methinks a spin class. Or a run. Shouldn't forget about the running.

1 comment:

  1. SPINNNNNN!!!!! I would tell you to prepare your butt, but I'm undure of how you can do that. Maybe have someone punch you a few times.
