Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Out and Back

Run: 4 miles
Time: 46:35
Mood: Nothing to report

I got super lucky today. It was BEAST out for the most of the morning/early afternoon, and then the monsoons hit and it cooled down a solid 20 degrees.

Even though it was 80, it was nowhere near balmy. Still sticky and humid.

Went out 2.5 and then turned around. I wanted to walk the last mile back to loosen up my legs, plus there's something about that last mile that plagues me, my legs get tired and I lose focus. Probably b/c I know I'm almost done.

The 4 were strong, no panting or loss of form really. I probably could have tacked on another mile and gotten this week's long run out of the way, but that would mess me up I think. I'm trying to keep my long runs on Sunday, since that's the day of the week I'll be racing on. I think I may try to do this week's 5 miler on Friday morning, b/c I'm out of town part of the weekend.

Wore some new gear today. I finally got one of those swanky stretchy racerback tops. It looks like it's straight from the 80s, but I don't care. A little tight for my tastes, but it was nice not to have sleeves today and to look like an actual...oh I don't know...runner?

3 4 3 5

Also, new blog post. These guys run for days at a time, its insane.

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