Monday, July 11, 2011

Herrow Monday

Run: 3.03 miles
Time: 35 flat
Mood: le tired

Let's have a round of applause for the fact that I actually got out of bed this morning. Hit snooze twice, but eventually got out the door. I've learned that just getting myself out the door is the battle, the run comes pretty easily after that.

Did the usual three-mile loop. Felt normal, It was a bit hot. iPod was no help this morning, started pumping out Christmas music when I needed my kick anthem.

Mile 1 and mile 3 were great, and I finished strong. Wrapped it up with some lunges and upper body strength training.

Ran on Saturday morning in the gym because it was SO hot out at 10 a.m., I forgot to eat or drink water so it sucked. We'll call it a "maintenance" run.

This week is a 3-4-3-5 week. Check off the 3 for today, gonna go for 4 in the morning, rest on Wednesday, hit the second three on Thursday, then hopefully have a 5-mile-morning on Friday. Saturday we're out of town, but I'm going to at least try to get a mile or so done just to get the blood flowing. Pretty sure next week tops at 6 miles.

It's go time.

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