Monday, January 31, 2011

Manic Monday

Run: 4 miles
Time: 48? Give or take some seconds?
Mood: Determined
Training Goal: Inadvertently met.

Yesterday was supposed to be my long run, but I wasn't feeling up to it. I decided to swap whatever today's run was supposed to be, with my long run yesterday. Lucky me, my training email this morning said today is supposed to be a rest day. No harm, no foul.

It was definitely a mind-over-matter run. I haven't been doing distance all winter, mostly just three mile maintenance runs. Breaking out of the box was a little difficult. Apparently next week I'm supposed to tack on another mile to my long runs, so I'll be back up to 10K training distances. My training guide says these long runs are supposed to be at an "easy, conversational pace." I had no problem running a 11:30-11:45 pace.

In other news, my oldest brother ran his first marathon. In the rain. His text said he did well until "mile 24, when I hit a wall and lost my pace." I was thinking: well duh you hit a wall. The kid still finished in a little over three hours. Congrats, Bobby.

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