Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Did We Learn?

Run: 30 minutes
Mood: Awesome

My brothers are in a learning curve at the moment. David learned his lesson a few weeks ago with this post. After it went up, he said "OK, very funny. Now take it down." Nope.

Bobby is learning his with this current post.

What are we learning? When you have a sister who blogs, everything is fair game. :)

I came home from work yesterday to find a package on the kitchen table. I haven't ordered anything in awhile, so I was intrigued. I opened it up to find a Marine Corps Marathon training shirt. At first I thought, "Oh the marathon peoples send you a training shirt. How cute." Then I looked at the packing slip.

Ship to: Stephanie Tait
Purchased by: Bobby Tait

Say wha??? My oldest brother ordered me a rather lovely training shirt (pretty nice wick-away material, too).

What an ass.*

Actually, it was really sweet of him and I was totally touched but he didn't want me saying it was nice (Because why would Bobby want people to know that he does nice things, it would totally ruin his rep. Hence the disclaimer I promised him below). In his defense, when I called to thank him he did answer the phone with, "Um. Why are you calling me?" So see? Reputation in tact.

I got up early to run in my new shirt and even took a picture like I told brother dear I was going to:

I saved the photo as "le tired" because it was about 6:45 in the morning after a 30 minute run. And...well...I was tired.

The actual running part went really well. I woke up at 5 and chugged a glass of water, then went back to sleep for about an hour. Got up at 6 (thanks to a scheduled wake up call from Scott) and hit the road.

I do need to make a running playlist though. I put my iPod on shuffle and about ten minutes in, I'd already had to skip two Christmas songs and three really slow emo songs - including that no-matter-how-far-past-an-old-relationship-you-are-it-still-makes-you-want-to-set-yourself-on-fire song that everyone has. (Thank you, Lifehouse.)

I did add in a new hill to spice things up, and I even managed to get all the way up it without breaking my form. Made breakfast at home, too. Props, folks.

*Disclaimer: Brothers mentioned in this blog want you to know they are not at nice as they appear.

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