Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lucky Number Seven

Run: 7 miles
Time: Stopped my watch in awe after I hit 10K
Mood: Like a rockstar

I didn't do 8 miles, I did seven miles. Why, you ask? Because when I hit mile 3.5, it hit me back with the realization that I forgot my passkey to get back into the office. Where all of my belongings were - important things like keys and my wallet. So I turned my happy self around and hoofed it back to work. Luckily, I was able to catch a coworker coming out of the building who let me back in. Whew.

Highlights from yesterday's run:
  • I broke not only my 5K time, but also my 10K time. Hit 3 miles at 31 (shaved a minute off), and 6.2 at 1:04 (shaved 6 minutes off). No kidding, I was shocked at both of them. Stopped my watch at the 10K I was so stunned.
  • My favorite flavor of Gu is orange. And I've mastered the art of eating it while running without getting it all over myself. (*pat on back*).
  • I ran out of Montgomery County yesterday. There was a sign and everything.
  • Yes, I walked part of mile 7 but then integrated some sprints to make up for it. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
  • I am sore as hell today.
  • And finally, I did it all by myself! Ended up running alone, and killed it.
I don't know why I had such a great run. Maybe it was the hydration. Maybe it was the balance bar. Maybe it was the Gu. Maybe it was the fact that the 3.5 miles out were slightly down hill. Who knows? And better yet, who cares?!

Bring on the 10-miler!


  1. You inspire me. I've fallen off the wagon and haven't ran in over 2 weeks. Which means for me I have to practically start over but better that than continuing to sit here and do nothing. I love reading your blog and seeing how you're doing, good luck with your ten miles.

  2. Thanks ladies! Crystal, you're not off the wagon - fret not! Start slow again and you'll be back on it in no time. Trust me, I'm the master of taking a week off of running and then making up lost time. Thanks for following. :)
