Thursday, July 7, 2011

Slow and Steady...

Run: 4 miles
Time: 46?
Mood: Hot

Went for a run after work, in the 90-something degree weather. I'd remembered to hydrate this afternoon, and fueled up with some munchkins. I went super slow, because I wanted to get in a solid 4 - next week I start the fun part: mileage increases. Next week is 5 miles, then 6, then so on and so forth. If I learned anything from the CB 10-miler training, it's that I can't skip the long runs. I need to hit them, and hit them well.

The first two miles felt great, I even considered going past the 2 mile mark, but I knew I'd be paying for it on the return. The back was, as usual, slightly uphill. I negotiated with myself the last mile or so, "I could do 3.5, that's still good. I could stop now, it's been 40 minutes." But I took Scott's advice and when I wanted to stop, I simply thought about something else. Like work. Or this blog post.

Two easy miles in the morning.

Also, two new blog posts...

5 Presidents Who Would Want You to Be Fit

You Might Be a Runner If...

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