Thursday, January 27, 2011


Run: 3 miles
Time: 34?
Mood: Meh
Training Goal: met

We're broadcasting live from the Starbucks by my house. Mother nature saw fit to take away my power, so I'm relegated to Starbucks. Eating Chipotle. Keeping it hidden behind my purse. So the barristas don't see.

Today was an easy training day to build stamina. Three miles on the treadmill, followed by a shower (finally) in the locker room. I believe tomorrow is another rest day, then a loooooooong run this weekend.

Now we kill time until Starbucks closes and we have to go back to the icebox that is my house. Anyone want to snuggle?

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! If you need to warm up, just do some stretching in the kitchen and laps around the living room.
