Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Night Run

Run: 4 miles
Time: 48 ish
Mood: Ninja-esque!

The MCM 10K is in almost exactly two weeks, and I've been being lazy and only running 1 to 2 miles per time. I was under the weather this weekend, so I didn't get a long run in. It had to be done last night.

Got home from work and immediately threw on running clothes and hit the pavement around 6:30. Not sure if anyone notices, but it gets dark at like 6:45 now. So I did the majority of my run at night. Which is mostly fine, because the bulk of the 4-mile loop I run is lit with streetlights. But then there's the park cut-through that takes me from the main road through the back of my neighborhood.

I was more than a little scared. I took off my headphones so I would be able to hear any madmen running in my direction to kidnap me. I'm not saying I'd ever murder anyone, but if I did, I'd do it on that back trail. I'm just saying. It's pitch black. The only way I knew I was on the trail was the sound of my feet on pavement and the fact that I've run it a million times in the daylight so I know roundabout where it is.

It was good in the sense that this leg was at the end of my run, so I definitely picked up my pace. It was bad in the sense that I almost had a heart attack because I couldn't see anything, let alone the deer standing right next to the trail. You'd be amazed how much the sound of a startled deer galloping through the underbrush sounds like a crazed murderer coming to kill you. Sounds exactly the same. I almost fell over.

And with that, I completed 4 miles, and in a normal pace. Wasn't huffing it, wasn't in too much pain. Felt great. I need to get a couple more 4s in and at least two 5s before next Sunday.

The good news for you? I'll be blogging about it.

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