Friday, February 11, 2011


Run: 3 miles
Time: 34?
Mood: Sickly
Training Goal: Met-ish

Monday was a long run, Tuesday was a recovery day and Wednesday night I gave my body another day of rest. I keep getting a cold that's knocking me out, so I tried to take it easy.

Yesterday I still felt like a trainwreck, but knew three days sans running would kill me, so I went anyway. Did a mile warmup, then a mile and a half of intervals (should have been two). Dropped my speed pace by about 45 seconds down to 9:14. Jogs were still at 11:30. I was going to stick it out for the two solid interval miles, but my nose started to run and sweat was making my already-raw nose sting and burn like you wouldn't believe.

Felt great, left the gym drenched. Came home to homemade Allie dinner. Om nom nom.

Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes and salad. Yum-o.

Today I'm supposed to increase the distance of my "easy" days by 1 mile. So that makes easy days 4-milers. Ten bucks says they will up the long run by 1 mile this week to 6. Shoot me.

Persistent pain in right quad that usually lasts the day after a hard run (like last night). Need to stretch more.

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