Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thou Shalt Run Hard

Raced on Saturday morning. It was a cute little local 5K to save part of the Capital Crescent Trail that may be bulldozed to make way for a part of the new Purple Line on the Metro.

I cut a minute off of last summer's 5K time and came in at 31 flat. First mile was about 9:45. I passed people...that's right. (*brushes shoulders off*) I hope they took pictures because I finished like an absolute beast. There is no feeling like passing people right before the finish line. :)

I did tell everyone that I passed "good job" - because that's what we used to do in cross-country. I ran by a dad and his little son (I don't know how old they are when they are waist-height - Emily can weigh in on this) and said "good job little man" as I passed. I heard the dad say to his son: "Oh look...'semper fi.'" (I was wearing the Marine Corps Marathon training shirt that Bobby got me, which has this phrase on the back - much to Scott's chagrin.)

Which brings me to my next point: running in anything remotely related to the armed services makes me run harder. Sometimes I do morning runs in this Army PT shirt of Scott's that I stole, and now I have what appears to be a Marine Corps shirt. I think it's because I feel I have a duty not to embarrass the men and women who actually serve (thank you all). People see me in the gear, and people think I'm a part of it. So when I run in it, I run hard.

Managed a run this morning. Even at 6 a.m. it was boiling out and I was drenched after the first two miles. Got in two decent hills. I stopped to let some geese pass (again, I don't mess with the geese), and actually walked for a few minutes. I'd say I did a total of 40 minutes...and walk/ran the last ten. I'm not sorry.

We're getting into that time of year again where hydration matters. It matters a lot. And I need to do more of it.

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