Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rule # 76: No Excuses, Play Like a Champion

You may have noticed that I haven't posted in a week, and that's because I haven't run in a week.

Before you get your pitchforks and torches ready to hunt me down, it was for good reason. I've been fighting a pretty nasty cold for the past two weeks and last week things started to get...well...gross. So I went to the doctor - turns out I had a sinus infection. Great. Oh, and pink eye. Perfect. Oh wait, also an ear infection.


So on the advice of my unofficial trainer, Miss Triny, I took some time off to "let my body heal." I did a SUPER easy walk/run today to get myself prepped for this week's back-on-the-wagon training. The good news is, I'm on steroids for this thing with my ear, so I'm really hoping it does something to boost me back into the swing of things. Maybe? Just a little? No? Ok.

The bad news is, this week was a 6 mile long run, that I missed. And next week looks like it's supposed to be 7. I have some catching up to do.

I'm also cutting weight before my race on April. 3. Already down two pounds, although it may be muscle loss from a week of not running. I'm telling myself it's the salads. ;)

Stay tuned.

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