Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Still Got It

Run: 3 miles
Time: Didn't wear a watch
Mood: Strong to moderately strong

I have to keep reminding myself that even though I'm not running 26.2 miles, I'm still running 6.2. Which I think I mentally scoff at since I did the 10-miler. But it's still a good chunk of pavement to cover.

I've been running once a week or so, still going to the gym and taking spin classes and Body Pump and whatnot - hence the lack of posts. But I need to ramp up the running this month. Race is at the end of October, and I want to beat my time from last year.

Came home from work tonight and did 3 miles with Jessie. We were only going to do two, but when we came to the cutoff, we both felt good enough to keep going. The last hill was a bit brutal, but the downhill was nice.

3 miles down, and now 3 pages to write for class tomorrow. Banzai!

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