Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Da 4th of July

Well it was a semi-successful training weekend. I intended to get in a good run to the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday morning, but got exasperated when I thought I had to run across a 4-lane highway unaccompanied (read: Scott was already standing on the other side jogging in place). So I turned around. Apparently if I had turned my head to the right, I would have seen that said "highway" was actually an entrance to Arlington Cemetery and is blocked off 24-7. My four mile run turned into a 1-mile pissy run.


Monday was a good morning, it was muggy, but still knocked out 2.5 miles pretty easily. Followed by lunges and stretching (read: Scott hadn't finished his 5-mile run yet) and squealing over the two boxers that this poor man was walking by with. I did really feel bad for him, I bet it looked like I was gonna run up and hug him or something.

I need a dog. Stat.

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