Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oy vey.

I did P90X's Core Synergistics for the first time in over a year today, and I think I did relatively well! I've been working on more lunges and squats in general so I blazed through those parts - it's the upper-body workouts that kill me. Pushups, etc. Oy.

I got in a few runs this week, some elliptical. All in all, not too shabby. I've had to start entering 28 as my age on the treadmill. It's depressing.

Tonight, the ballet and a schmancy dinner to celebrate my fourth 25th birthday. :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Remember me?

Ok, ok, ok. So it's been a month since I've posted. I honestly had no idea it had been that long.

But that doesn't mean I haven't been staying active! I've been running a mile a few times a week, and recently started adding in a cross-fit-esque workout as well. At first, I was super sore from doing lunges and squats again, but not anymore. My legs are getting stronger!

I also recently discovered that there's wireless Internet in the gym, so I've been jamming out to SVU on the iPad. Which makes it SO much easier to lose track of time.

Gunner and I ran a mile this morning and he was surprisingly well-behaved. He did the turn-and-bite-the-leash thing about halfway through, but I was able to distract him long enough to keep him running.

And for lunch...the "Elaine from Seinfeld" big salad.

3 cups lettuce
1/2 tomato
1/4 red pepper
1/2 t. pecans
1/2 t. craisins
1 T. french fried onions (It's not enough to do damage, but it's enough to taste fantastic.)
3 oz. turkey
1 T. light italian dressing.
Cracked pepper (yes, I keep a pepper grinder at my desk.)

Last month was so insane I couldn't keep it straight, but I promise to try to be better this month. Exams are over. Holidays are here.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Hello November.

Would you look at that? It's November. This fall is going by quickly. I think that's the theme of the season: lightening speed.

This morning, I decided to do intervals with Gunner so he could get some running in. At least he actually woke up for real this morning when I tried to rouse him.

We did 25 minutes, with two minutes running, two minutes walking for a mile and a half. I used three apps this morning: Gym Boss for intervals, Run Keeper for distance/pace, and Songza for jams.

It was cold. My nose was running. And I no longer have a ponytail to keep my neck warm.

Chop, chop! Goodbye, ponytail.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Chilly Morning

I had grand intentions this morning, and set my alarm for 4:45 to be in the gym by 5. No dice. I ended up hitting snooze like three times and once I finally gained consciousness it was almost 5:20. I figured I'd take Gunner for a longer walk this morning, since he's been cooped up so much lately.

Gunner pre-early-walk.

Gunner post-early-walk.

Gunner, on the other hand, wasn't thrilled at being up so early. We walked for 30 minutes, covering almost two miles, but he was still cranky pants when we got back.

He looks terrifying, right?


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

No tricks, just treats!
This is the first year, the FIRST, that I haven't dressed up at some point for Halloween. Scott is out of town and I just plain wasn't in the mood.

But I did get in a good spooky-Wednesday workout this morning. Although I was a lazy ghoul yesterday. (See where this post is going?) I did a walk-run combo for a little over a mile - 15 minutes. Two minutes running and two minutes walking for 15 minutes. The I did the elliptical for another ghostly 15 minutes. Not a super long workout, but I worked up a
scary sweat. 
Breakfast this morning: kale and
goat cheese fritatta cups. Nom.

I found a PDF of a "Couch to 5K" program and that was the first day's workout. I know what you're thinking: Oh how the mighty have fallen. Stop being a witch, we all have to start somewhere.

Gunner and I then went for a monster of a walk.

So far, my feet feel awesome!

Also, I managed to leave out candy for any possible trick-or-treaters that come by tonight before I get home.

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy Workout

Post workout glow! P.S. That's our
"Happy Halloween" sign above my head.
Welp, I'm indoors for the next 24 hours at least. Gunner and I still have power, although no Internet. I'm posting this from my phone - love that Blogger lets me to that. So be nice about any spelling errors.

I could probably make it to the gym today -- I mean I can see it from our balcony -- but I don't want to go for two reasons. One, the wind is whipping and I'd be the idiot outside during one of the 80 mph gusts clinging to someone's balcony. And two, Gunner is a little freaked out so I'm trying to stay indoors.

It's OK though, because I found a few indoor workouts. Today was half P90X yoga (which so much), and Billy Blanks' Tae-bo. I'm not the world's most coordinated person, so it was a lot of wobbling and punching. But overall I'd say it was a solid 45 minutes of cardio and sweating.

Gunner came to chill out on the floor next to me, watching me the whole time with that "you look ridiculous" face.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy Dance

I'm down almost five pounds! It's amazing what happens when you start working out again and stop eating everything. I've been working hard to undo the past year's gluttony, and it's finally working.

I celebrated by heading to the gym. But this morning Gunner hopped out of bed and wanted to go for a walk, so I took him out instead. We did almost a mile and a half, and then he came back and went to bed.

That one high bar is from our sprint down the hallway. And the small bars after it are the ones from when I was walking around the apartment, forgetting that Run Keeper was still going.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Early Bird Gets...Scared Out of Her Mind

Buenos Dias! It's another warm, muggy late-October day. But the hurricane should cool things off over the weekend, so hopefully it will be more fall-like.

This morning I hit snooze twice so I didn't make it to the gym until about 5:15. The gym, as usual, was dark. Most days, I'm the first and only one in there at 5 a.m. so I turn on the lights, and turn on the T.V. No biggie. It's a little creepy if I spend time thinking about it, but I don't. So it's fine.

Well this morning, the gym was dark, like I said. So I opened the door and turned on the lights and BOOM! There was a guy on the treadmill. Running in the dark. No T.V. on. No sound. Nothing. Just running on the treadmill in the gym alone in the dark at 5 a.m.

I hope I didn't ruin his moment by turning on the lights and the T.V. but he didn't say anything so I'm assuming I didn't.

In other news, Gunnerrific is all patched up! He spent last night without his cone and didn't try to mess with anything. His rash is practically gone - that cream they gave me is a miracle-worker. I left him out of the cone today, so let's see how he spends his first day of freedom this week.

Happy Thursday.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Up at 4:50. In the gym by 5. Boom.

Half hour on the elliptical, then walk/ran a mile. Then did some legwork on the treadmill - walking backwards and doing the sideways leg criss-cross from soccer years ago. (If anyone can tell me what it's called, please let me know.)

Had to take Gunner to the vet this morning b/c his rash was getting worse. Got some more medicine from the vet so hopefully he's all taken care of!

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Poor pup.
So October is almost over. That's fun. I love waking up and wondering where the month went.

I'm being sarcastic.

This one went by in a blur! Emily's wedding, our wedding things, Scott's mom in town, and now Scott out of town, grad school, work. This fall has been going by so quickly!

I've been sticking with the 5 a.m. workouts. Got four in last week, and was up at 4:45 this morning. I've been doing 60 minute stints on the elliptical - reading books mostly. I catch up on the news, too.

Scott bought me new running shoes, and so far my feet are pain free. I'm going to start throwing in a mile on the treadmill before the hour of cardio. I haven't been wearing my inserts. But I think I'm going to need to for at least the first few runs.

I've lost my morning walk buddy for a little bit. Gunner is in a cone for the next week or so, because he's got some skin issues. I came home from class on Sunday to find him shaking by the couch. He wouldn't walk, could only make it a few steps before sitting down. Mommy called the vet and then carried Gunner down to the car. Our little boy is now a 50-pound little man. And mommy needs to lift more weights.

Slow moving this morning.

Happy Monday.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What a Week

Whew, this is the FIRST chance I've had to post all week. Scott is in primary, I'm getting up at 5 just to go to the gym, and both of our jobs are kicking our behinds this week. I haven't even had time to walk over lunch.

I've got three morning workouts under my belt this week. Up at 5 a.m., 45 minutes on the elliptical while reading The Help for the second time, then walking the dog at least a mile. The good news is that I overslept yesterday morning and didn't walk over lunch and felt like a slob last night. So my healthy lifestyle is taking root again. We had salad for dinner and I said "no" to sour cream or any salad dressing. And my taco salad was still ah-mazing.

The fact that I was able to get up this morning is nothing short of a Christmas miracle. I had a glass of sangria last night because it was a stressful day. Then I had another glass.

Monster wine glasses.
What I forgot was that our wine glasses, which we brought back from Mexico, can fit an entire beer in them with room to spare.

And a serving of wine is what, like 4-6 ounces? So my "two glasses" was more like, oh I don't know, a bottle.

All of a sudden I was laughing hysterically on the couch and then crying at Sons of Anarchy and then laughing hysterically again. Scott kept shaking his head, laughing at me and saying, "On a Wednesday..."

But he was the one pouring the sangria. He did make me drink water last night which I'm thankful for this morning. My workout went well, but on the drive in to work the headache started. I'm two migraine pills, one piece of chocolate, and half a diet coke into my migraine-prevention ritual.

My abs hurt this morning from laughing so hard last night, so I think it was worth a little migraine this morning.

Happy Thursday!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Funday

We have mastered the outsmart-Gunner-in-the-morning plan!

Usually, when I get up to go to the gym after Scott has left, Gunner leaps from the bed, tail wagging, wondering why I haven't put his leash on for a walk. I usually end up feeling bad, and walk him instead. It used to be ok, because I was running him. But with the bum foot, running hasn't been happening.

My coworkers and I have been walking 2-3 miles over lunch, but today we're taking a trip to Chipotle and DSW (don't be jealous that your lunch break < my lunch break). I knew I needed to get a workout in this morning.

Last night Scott and I strategized that I would get up first, at 5, and then creep out with the lights off. When I was gone, he would get up at his normal time (5:15) and then get ready like he does when I'm asleep - stealthy, using his phone light.

So I got up at 5:10 (I hit snooze, wanna fight about it?) and snuck out. Then Scott left later. When I got back from the gym, the lights were off and Gunner was in bed sleeping. Then he jumped up with the "Are we going for a walk?" face. And it WAS time!

We walked for a mile, and then he ate his breakfast and went baaaaack to bed again.

It's a hard-knock life for Gunner.

Workout for today: 30 minutes on elliptical, followed by a 1.14 mile walk with the schmup.

Hellloooooo Chipotle.

Also, Tuesday's step count was over 13,000, yesterdays was over 10,000. If you walk 10,000 steps a day, you can lose a pound a week - who knew?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lunch Walk

We walked over lunch for about an hour. Boom.

Pedometer is already over 10,000 and it's only 1. Boom.

Over 300 calories gone. Boom.

Sniffy Morning

Gunner and I got up this morning and did our usual walk, but we didn't get as far because A) Mommy started the walk late and B) Gunner had to smell everything. And I mean everything. They say that dogs smelling things in the morning is the equivalent of a person reading the newspaper - they just need to catch up on current events.

We did a quick almost mile and a half. The pace in the photo is from the last bit of the walk, which consists of Gunner and I running up the stairs. The actual pace was about 19:17 per mile. Not too shabby for a walk with Sir Sniffs-A-Lot.

My total pedometer total for the second half of yesterday was 9,184. Not too shabby. This morning I'm already up to 3,671.

We will break 10,000 today. Yes, we will!

Mommy wasn't the only one
whodidn't want to get out of
bed this morning.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

3 Mile Lunch

Some of the girls at work and I have started walking over lunch. The Capitol Crescent Trail is right outside of the office, so we've decided to take advantage. Sometimes we walk two miles, and sometimes three.

Today was a three mile day. We walked at a good clip, and I got some decent back-of-neck sweat going. :)

Also, my company has started a health challenge program with pedometers. We all signed up.

And knocked out over 6,5000 steps over lunch.


Monday, September 24, 2012

The Race That Wasn't

"In Lieu of Racing" Pancakes
Scott and I both ran our respective races on Saturday and we both set PRs and we both won medals.

...said noone ever.

I made a game-time decision on Friday evening to not race Saturday. My foot is still really sore, and I didn't want to chance the possibility of futher hurting it. Emily might never forgive me if I limped down the aisle as her Maid of Honor.

Scott had just gotten back from three sleepless days in the field, but he still said he wanted to run. Which I fully supported.

Me: "That's awesome! I'll do what you usually do the night before my races."

Foot brace!
Scott: "What's that?"

Me: "I'm gonna get a little drunk, and then be super cranky in the morning when you try to get me up."

Scott: "Ha!"

Welp, 6:45 rolled around and someone's alarm went off. Nine minutes later it went off again. And then nine minutes after that, it went off again.
Pretzel dogs.
Needless to say, we didn't get up for Scott's race. But that was ok. After a half hour of the alarm going off and on, I wasn't really able to go back to sleep. So I ended up sitting around in my wedding dress for awhile in the guest room while Scott slept in the bedroom (it's a girl thing, go with it).

When he got up we made "In Lieu of Racing" pancakes. Which were amazing.

We did go down to Clarendon Day just for the fun of it and walked around. I did wear my foot brace all weekend, and I'm wearing it today. It totally helps.

Oh yeah, that's a 19 minute walking pace.
This morning I was planning on hitting the gym in our apartment complex before work, but couldn't find the special key fob we need. While I was looking, Gunner woke up and was prancing around ready for a walk. I walked him two miles at a quick clip instead.

Had to do something to work off the pretzel dogs Scott and I made yesterday. Which I regret noone of because they were Philly-amazing.

I had to have a few "settle down" moments with Gunner this morning because he absolutely LOVES walks and gets a little nuts. He managed to snag an entire tree branch from the side of the road this morning and was thrashing around in all of his puppy glory. He lost it a little bit. So we had a "sit" moment while mommy whispered in his ear. That seems to bring him back to reality.

Walking again over lunch, I think it's a three mile day.

Friday, September 21, 2012

It's BACK!

Ok, so only two of you noticed it was missing, but my blog was deleted yesterday for some insane reason.

I mean, people depend on me. Ok, so noone depends on me, but they could. And that's what matters.

I have no idea what happened, but I posted on the help forum like, "nuh-uh, not cool."

And today, it's back.

Hello again, friend.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

To Hell in a Handbasket

One mile walk with the pup.
If you've been following me on social media, then you already know how the week has been. For those of you under a rock (like my brothers), here's the gist of it.

My week went to hell.

After Monday's early-morning cardio sesh, my week slowly went downhill. I went home early that day with a migraine (probably dehydrated). While I was home, and walking around barefoot in the dark, I stepped on a toothpick. Leaving me with a deep puncture wound guessed right foot.

I yelled and screamed and ripped it out. Then I taped a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide over it. Tuesday, I came into work and it was swollen and painful to walk. After doing a quick and alarming Google search, I found out that things like that are nothing to mess with.

So...Scott took me to emergency care. They x-rayed (Yes, Gram, I know that's not a verb, just go with it.), gave me a tetanus (which hurts like the Dickens, btw), soaked it, wrote me a prescription for antibiotics, and then - this is the best part - taped a band aid over it.

Gunner loves when Mommy goes
to work, because he gets a peanut
butter Kong.
I wonder how much that band aid is going to cost.

I've been taking my antibiotics and soaking it at night like the doctor told me to, and my toe is starting to feel better. I walked the dog for a mile this morning with no pain from the wound (still the normal foot pain).

I'm going to aim for a 3-mile walk with the pup tonight, just to make sure I can still move my body three miles.

Because...we have a race this weekend. Remember? Oh yeah, that race. The one that was supposed to get me back into running shape. Yeah, that one. Due to foot trauma (that's a real thing), I managed to get myself placed in the 5K event, while Scott will still be running the 10K.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Merry Monday!

The alarm that didn't have a
chance to go off.
Happy Monday, folks!

Too perky for a Monday? I'm sorry, I'll reign it in a bit. The endorphins will wear off soon enough.

I had one of those mornings where I woke up ten minutes before my alarm and went to the gym for an hour. I had my clothes all set out the night before, and I packed my lunch last night as well.

It made for a very productive and expedient morning.

I did 45 minutes total on two elliptical machines, and I forgot how absurdly boring it is. I much prefer running outside to the endless gym drudgery, but as winter approaches and my feet continue to be a pain, to the gym I must go!

My feet didn't hurt at all during the workout, so that's a good sign. I might try to get in a mile or so on the treadmills over the next few weeks, see if the softer ground eases the pain. I'm beginning to think it's tendinitis, because it's happening in both feet now.

Planning on walking a few miles over lunch as well.

Have a great day and an even better week!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

7 Ways to Avoid Injury

My recent pain with my foot and "not this again" aggravation led me to do some research on how to prevent these injuries.

I know how to treat it: wrap it during the day, ice morning and night, and no running for three weeks.

But I wanted to know how to keep it from happening. And I figured my other running (and non-running) friends could use some advice as well.

And if you're wondering why this is a list of seven and not five or 10, then you don't know me very well. I'm a forward thinker people!

8. Get a great support system. Ok so that won't really help
you with avoiding injury, I just love this photo.
1. Get the right gear. We're talking about your feet here. You need them. Why not treat them well? You need kicks that are built to fit your specific feet -- high arch, no arch, pronation, width, extra toes, etc. Get them from a local running store -- Virginia Runner is a great one for those of you in the D.C. area. These stores have professionals that will do an analysis of the way you run and will help you pick the correct type of shoe. Some people, like me, will need inserts. Treat your feet like a lady, and wine and dine them with the proper, albeit expensive, shoes.

2. Don't run every day. I used to be guilty of this myself, so don't beat yourself up! Basically, running takes a hell of a high-impact toll on your body, so it's good to take some days off from running and schedule in the occasional (*gasp*) rest day. God took a rest day, you should too.

3. Do non-running things. That's right, leave the stop-watch at home and go for a hike, or do some yoga.  Even swimming is a great option - it lets your joints stretch out and breathe a little. Or maybe you just hop on the elliptical and watch some trashy TV. Cross-training is an excellent way for you to work out other muscles that running doesn't hit, while giving your knees a break.

4. Warm up and cool down. I hate this one, because I detest the warm up and I'm too busy for the cool down. I almost never do it, but we all should. Warming up your muscles before a run lets them get loose and pliable - less likely to tear. You don't need to stretch before, just hop around a little and work out the kinks. You should stretch after you run, while your muscles are super-warm, to improve flexibility and to help with soreness.

5. Change up where you run. If you're a road runner (beep, beep), try hitting some dirt trails. Is there a high school in running distance of your house? Head on over and do some laps on the track. The bottom line is: the harder the surface, the harder the recoil when your foot hits it. You'd rather punch grass than concrete, right? Your feet would, too.

6. Gradually increase mileage. We have all done it. You're building for a race and you're feeling good on your long run and you tack on another mile and a half just because. It's ok. Just don't make it a habit. As a rule, increase mileage by no more than 10-15% a week. Jumps any higher than that can be a shock to your system. You marathon trainers, pay attention to this one.

7. If you don't use it, you lose it. If you haven't trained in, oh I don't know, 8 months or so, don't hit the road trying to run the same distances and pace you used to do. I made that mistake two months ago, and I now have the lovely nagging foot injury to thank for it. Start slow, rebuild. My coach in high school used to tell us that it takes your body two weeks to forget what you spent months teaching it. I'm all for the hiatus, I took one myself, just be realistic about getting back into the swing of things.

There you have it! Read them, learn them, love them. Also, rule of thumb (or foot?), if it hurts, don't ignore it. My brother was training for a half marathon last year and his knee was killing him from an old soccer injury. And he kept running on it. I tried to tell him to see a doctor, but he spent months in pain trying to push through.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a foot to wrap.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

Notes from today's run:

1. Gunner is cracked out on 'roids. The pup is in the middle of a course of steroids for his allergies -- which make him ultra-hyper. Which means he forgets how to run with a person, and gallops and strains on the leash. When he's not doing that, he's stopping to smell things and eating things of the ground he's not supposed to, making mommy have to pull him along. It was either drag or pull this morning -- there wasn't even a second of him running next to me. Needless to say, we only completed one mile of running -- which was peppered with little "sit" sessions. We walked another mile, then I let him loose in the tennis courts where he ran laps and barked at mommy.

2. I think I need to start wrapping and icing my foot again. Same foot, different area. I limped from my car to the office today because the pain is so sharp. It doesn't hurt during the run, just after. We have a 10K coming up next weekend, and I think it might be the first race where I'm the spectator cheering Scott on instead of the other way around.

3. It's a good day to be thankful. Scott's company is laying one of their own to rest today -- a day that's already a heavy one for Americans, especially those who serve in the armed forces.

Even though I had a bad run with the dog, I'm still ALIVE to run and healthy enough to attempt it. I'm marrying my best friend and the love of my life. I've got a great job, and I'm polishing off an awesome degree this year. I have amazing friends, and a fantastic family. We have an awesome little bugger of a pup, who is a great dog and companion.

Today of all days, we should all be thankful for the little things we may take for granted. The weather, a good commute, a friendly smile, a baller latte. Never forget how quickly things can change, and never forget how quickly things can go from bad to worse.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Gunner and I did two miles this morning - one walked and one ran.

A few takeaways from this morning:
  1. September is being sneaky. It's dark at 5:30 a.m., which lulls you into thinking the air is going to be crisp. Then you walk outside and September breathes its hot humidity in your face, making you feel sticky. I came home completely drenched from two miles. I'm definitely ready for the crisp air that comes along with morning runs in the fall.
  2. Songza has awesome workout mixes. I punched into a rock-mix this morning, and it was so energizing that I was dancing a little when Gunner stopped for potty breaks. I definitely cranked it up.
  3. There are other people on the planet. Cranking up your music and paying attention to a dog means you won't see the random man dressed in dark clothing walking by you until he's right next to you. You'll then physically jump away and squeak "Dear Jesus!" when you notice him. You won't feel bad, because even though he's probably just a man walking, there's still a tiny chance he could pull you into a creepy van.
  4. Today's sweat is brought to
    you by Sweatember.
  5. Thank God for Gunner. Running in the pitch dark makes me happy that I have a protective running buddy going with me. Especially on the unlit parts of the street. Even if I did get pulled into a van, Gunner would still run for help, right? Right.
  6. Oy, my foot hurts. Ok this one doesn't really fit in with the rest of today's takeaways, but it does still hurt. I think it's b/c I walked a few miles in flip flops over lunch one day this week. I paid money for my shoe inserts for a reason, I guess.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Shaming

Run: 1 mile
Time: 9:50
Mood: Fast!

That's right, kids. A sub-10 mile. I'll sit here and let you read the above stat again. Let it sink on in your noggin'.


Did you see?! A 9:50 pace! It was only for a mile but who freaking cares?!

Gunner and I took off flying this morning! I don't know why the pace was so quick, but I felt really good. We had to stop twice for potty breaks, but I managed to remember to pause my Run Keeper.

You're probably wondering why there isn't an image of the Run Keeper screenshot as evidence. Well, there's only really one explanation.

The dog did it.

My little pooch was running right alongside me like a good boy as we hit .9 miles. He was behaving, keeping with the pace, running where he should be...

Until the other dog came along.

And not just any other dog. A police canine. Out for a stroll with what I'm assuming was his police-officer-owner. If there's one thing we all know about police dogs, it's that they're well-trained.

If there's one thing we know about Gunner, it's that he's not.

The police dog trotted by with his owner, and Gunner lost his mind. He ran in front of me, lunging on his leash trying to play with the well-behaved German Shepherd. Which almost toppled me over. Having a dog go a little nuts is usually OK when the other dog is going nuts, too, trying to play.

Having a dog go a little nuts when the other dog is staring back at your dog with that I'm-embarrassed-for-you look, it's a little...well...embarrassing.

It gave me a mental image of myself as the parent with the wild child. While little Timmy Thompson is playing nicely with his GI Joes, my kid is going to be wrecking sandcastles and running around yelling "anarchy!" at the top of his lungs. It's gonna be a blast, I can't wait.

After what we will from now on refer to as The Shaming, I realized my Run Keeper was still going and my split evidence was ruined! Gunner and I walked a little bit further and then turned around to go home. Total walking time was 35 minutes.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Doggy Park!

Run: 1.8 miles run + 1.8 miles walked
Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes - 12 minute pace for run
Mood: Breezy

Gunner and I headed out at around 5:45 this morning for a nice, long run. Or, well, what I consider a "long" run these days.

My goal was to do two miles. I was planning on turning around at the 1.5 mile mark and running another half mile back. But once I saw we were getting close to the park we go to on the weekends, I decided to keep running to Gunner's favorite dog park. Gunner, of course, knew exactly where we were and started running like a husky attached to a dog sled where the dogs are straining against their harnesses trying to pull the sled. We all know who was the sled in this scenario.

The dog park ended up being a little over 1.8 miles from the house. 

Gunner played with his new friends, Milo and Butch, and I got a few dog-training tips from their person, Judy. She gave me a few treats for Gunner and then he and I headed back to the apartment.

I paused my Run Keeper app once we got to the dog park b/c we weren't running anymore. I also managed to remember to pause it when we stopped running for Gunner's bathroom breaks.

I did learn, though, that I need to "end" the workout on Run Keeper when we stop running instead of pausing it. Otherwise, when I "end" the workout once we're back home, Run Keeper thinks I magically made it the almost two miles home by osmosis. It literally tracks the shortest distance between where I paused the workout at the dog park and where I hit "end" back at the apartment - a straight line, over buildings and creeks, etc. However, the app keeps the paused time the same. As you can see in the above photo, it thinks I did 2.88 miles at an 8:40 pace.

In your dreams, Run Keeper. In your dreams.

By the time we got back to the apartment it was exactly 7 a.m. and mommy had to hurry up to get ready for work. Gunner, meanwhile, went right back to bed.

Now I only need to tack on about 4 more miles in time for our 10K in 5 weeks!

I will note that I've stuck with my new morning routine of the 5:30 a.m. wake-up. I get up with Scott and even if I don't get a run in, I make dinner in advance and take Gunner for a nice long walk.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bad Goggy

I've been getting up at irregular times for the past...oh I don't years or so? Pretty much since high school. If I'm tired, I sleep in late, if I happen to be up, I get up early. The wake-up time ranges from 5 a.m. to 7:15 a.m.

A 5 a.m. wake-up means a workout, a walked dog, a shower, a packed lunch and an iced coffee.

A 7:15 a.m. wake-up means Gunner gets to pee really quickly and I'm lucky if I manage to walk out the door with my keys in hand and pants on.

I'm finding that the 5:15 a.m. wake-up is what works best for me, and I'm going to make it a goal to get up at the same time every morning. This morning I managed a run with the dog, and to make dinner for tonight.

Our "bad" dog after getting kicked out
of daycare. Looks like a meanie, right?
The sudden need to get up at a regular time is more stemming from the dog than from me. Mr. Gunner got kicked out of doggy daycare yesterday, and Mommy had to leave work in Bethesda to drive back to Crystal City to pick him up. The owner said he had "attacked" the other dogs, but I honestly think she didn't want to deal with a high-energy pup. Basically, if we know we're taking him in for a play day, we won't really run him or try to tire him out, because we know he's going to exhaust himself the next day at daycare.

Welp, Gunner is going to need to be run every morning now. We've got to chip away at his energy daily, so the next place we try won't be so overcome by his rambunctiousness.

We did two miles today and Gunner came home, ate breakfast, and passed back out.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Herrow Humidity

Question: What does an 8 p.m. bedtime get you?

Answer: A hell of an early start.

That's right folks, I went to bed at 8 last night. And it was fantastic. I even managed to get up with Scott this morning.

I was planning on jogging across the street to the gym, but Gunner popped right out of bed with the "Where are we going?" look on his face, so I decided to take him on a run with me instead. We went on a sweaty, humidity-filled, why-am-I-wearing-long-pants run. And he actually did OK. There were a couple of times where he was training to gallop ahead, but for the most part he stuck by my side. No leash biting or pulling. A nice change.

We ran out a mile, and walked the long way home.

Gunner went right back to bed and Mommy went to work. Seems a little unfair, no?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rainy Afternoon Run

Time: 11:45
Distance: 1. Long. Mile.
Mood: Bad at first, good at last.

I did say I'd never lie to you, and reporting an almost 12-minute mile pace proves it.

Raspberries and chocolate chips. After-run snack!

This week I need to get in two 1-mile runs and one 1.5 mile run. My friend Stephanie and I were going to run on the trail outside of the office, but decided to drive back to her house and run there. When we got to her place, a nice rain had started to fall. We didn't hear any thunder, so we decided to run the mile in the rain - and it was so nice!

Run started out bad, but ended feeling pretty OK.

1 1 1.5

Thursday, July 5, 2012

New Training Plan!

I've been doing some regular running (a mile here, a mile there), but haven't done anything remarkable enough to post.

Buuuut yesterday I did put together my new training plan for the 10K we're running at the end of September.

Here it is! Let's go legs!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sunday Funday

Run: 1.05 miles
Time: 12 minutes
Mood: Refreshed!

This Sunday I hopped out of bed around 10 and went for a little run by myself. I ran down through the Cameron Run neighborhood -- the place where your dreams go to die as you realize you can never afford a 600K townhouse off of Duke Street. So you just smile and be happy that the neighborhood inhabitants let you run on their pristine brick pathways without calling you a bum and telling you to leave. ;)

Seriously though, it's such a nice neighborhood.

Anywho, I ran a mile out, then walked a mile back. It was such a gorgeous day for a run, too!

Leg soreness today. Loving it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Doggie Run!

This is how Gunner actually likes to run. An
insane sprint.
We did it! Gunner and I successfully had a run together this morning.

The secret?

A head harness. For him, not me.

We got the Gentle Leader a few months ago that goes around his snout, and it's super helpful when we run. In case you're wondering why I haven't been running with the dog, it's b/c he's a pain in the arse to run with. Neither Scott nor I like to do it, because he's not properly leash trained. But he and I managed to have a decent time this morning.

We only ran for 10 minutes (one of us is coming back from a 6-month hiatus from running), but Gunner stayed next to me with little pulling. I had to keep a good hold on him, because I know he wanted to sprint off like a maniac.

We walked a little after the run and I figured out that Gunner likes traffic. Let me rephrase that: Gunner loves traffic.

We walked along Van Dorn (which is pretty busy in the morning), and he kept wanting to walk in the right lane of the road. I had to be pretty careful trying to keep him on the sidewalk, but he's like Houdini.

He managed to pounce into the turn lane for our apartment complex and then sat there stubbornly as I pulled on the leash, so I had to snatch him out of the road before some car ran him over.

Overall, a nice short run with the pup. Looking forward to taking him out again tomorrow morning -- on a less populated road route. :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Taking Steps

Ok, well if you've been following the blog, you know I haven't posted in awhile. And that's b/c I've had nothing to say. You've probably been seeing the slow, downward spiral of athletic digression. And that's ok.

Well, it's not really ok. But it's reality.

I've been researching some races to get me back into the swing of things, but don't want to pay a whole lot since we're wedding budgeting right now. I talked to Scott last night and he said, "whatever gets you back out there."

Today I found a half-marathon in Charlottesville, Va., in late October. I was abbbbooouuuttt to sign up but then stopped myself. I don't want to make a commitment that I will flake out on again, so I kept looking for something smaller.

Then I found the Clarendon 10K in September! Scott said it sounded fun, so we're both signed up for September 22.

Methinks we will schedule our engagement shoot the next day, so we can get photos done when we're in 10K shape. ;)

Well, one of us is already in 10K shape (Scott), but we don't need to name any names (Scott).

Hooray for the thrill of race day training!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Welp, soda wasn't too hard to give up this week. I haven't really craved it or thought about drinking it. There have been two times when I had to remember to order water (or wine) instead. So...that's working.

I've crossfitted three mornings this week. Tuck jumps are...interesting. I'm at the point that there's a lot of slack where there should be muscle. So when I jump and tuck my legs under me there's a lot of...movement. The sheet says I can do back extensions without equipment...which is I did supermans instead. Made me feel like I was in high school again.

Anywho, I've had Chipotle and ice cream today, and I'm going to Hard Times Cafe it's not the healthiest day ever.

But hey, at least I'm not drinking soda. :)

I'm going to try to sneak out for a run in the morning while Gunner is sleeping. And pray we have pillows when I get back.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Holy Crap We're Getting Married

Welp folks, most of you know by now. Scott proposed. I said yes.

Bada bing, bada boom.

Now it's time to think about the fact that we will both be the stars of a lot of photos over the next year. And I'll be in a dress that shows my arms. Two limbs that have just completely given up on me over the past  few years. They're never something I've had to worry about before, but now there's a touch more jiggle than I'm happy with. And months of not running have resulted in some wiggle in other places as well. It's safe to say I've got some work to do.

So the question is, how am I going to go about this next year? The options are boundless...go on a crazy bride diet consisting of celery and water (no, thanks). Get into a crazy workout mode over the next few months and then get burnt out and spend the winter loafing in hibernation (I did that last year, what else you got?). Binge eat due to planning stress (check please!).

Then there's the option of small changes over time. Baby steps. Increase workouts, make healthy choices, get outside more.

This way I won't be on a crazy crash wedding diet/workout regimen only to pack on 20 or so pounds after the wedding. It's something I'd be able to maintain for years to come, and possibly fit back into my dress in future years.

Now how to go about it...

I've already started gradually running again, and adding in some light weights. This morning I started a beginners crossfit workout paired with some upper body lifting. I'm thinking about signing up for another 10K, possibly a half marathon? I'd love to do a sprint triathlon, but we don't have a bike. I thought about P90X, but it's only three months and that burnt me out SUPER quickly the last time I did it. Maybe a few months before the big day, but I don't know.

I am planning on cutting out sodas (something I gave up during high school and college for running) and limiting processed carbs.

We've started getting a veggie box delivered each week, and the farmer's market opened this weekend. We scored some awesome strawberries that I have packed in a salad for today.

It also happens that we will be budgeting for wedding/honeymoon expenses. Which means eating at home a lot more -- something that's healthy by osmosis.

So there you have it. Healthier choices paired with increased activity. Let the games begin!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rainy Sunday

So no run today. It's rainy and cold... But I did get to try the arm workout I found and it's great! Three circuits of that had my stems on fire! Finished things up with some light cardio..jumping jacks and whatnot. Sunday Funday!

Friday, April 20, 2012


Knocked out a half mile at a 10-minute pace, then did a mile of fartleks. Translation: I sprinted, then walked, then sprinted, then walked for an entire mile. It made my legs buuuuurn. Then I walked another half mile just so stretch out my legs.

Last night I was thinking to myself that I wanted to find a simple arm workout. What did I find while I was reading my Women's Health? A simple arm workout! I'm going to hit it up tonight.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

That's Two!

Distance: 2 miles
Time: 25 minutes
Mood: Heavy. I felt heavy.

Yes folks, that's a 25 minute 2-mile. I know the first mile was, for a fact, 12 minutes. Which would have been super embarrassing if I wasn't sucking wind and just trying to finish. I ran another half mile and then walked for five minutes before hammering out the last quarter mile. So that's 1.5 straight, and a hard final quarter. Quarter mile walking.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Or should I say...rebuilt. ;) I think my shoe inserts are helping my feet b/c I have minimal pain, but it feels like I'm running with bricks in my shoes. I'm also getting that fabulous soreness that I've missed in my legs.

Today I'm going to do some fartleks if the weather holds out. Then I'll shout like Will Ferrell in Talladega Nights...

"I'm goin' fast again!"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

5 Things I Forgot I Hate About Running

I've started hitting the trail behind the office again. And I've remembered a few things I had forgotten about this beautiful sport we call running.

1. Bikers
"On the left." Yes, I heard you the first time. And I even heard you the second time. I moved to the side of the trail. And then I heard you ring the bell. And yet you STILL feel the need to call "Passing on the left!" yet again. You just ride your bike and I'll run my run and we can do it in silence.

2. Gnat Clouds
These sneaky little buggers like to float around in groups, hanging out with each other, having a little insect happy hour in the evening sun. Until I run through them and swallow a few. It's no fun for them, it's no fun for me. And I apologize for the bug families who were waiting for someone to come home who never showed up.

3. Friction
Enough said.

4. You There In The Spandex
Yes, you. The super skinny person running while chewing gum and not even breathing heavily when we both know damn well you're putting down at least a sub-7 mile. I hate you.

5. The Hill at Mile 1
I forgot about this hill. It's right after the one-mile marker, and it's a bridge that goes over Rt. 50. Right past a McDonald's. That always seems to have a fresh batch of fries percolating.

All of these things being said, it still feels awesome to be back out on the trail. Going out again today. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


It's been a pretty crazy week so workouts haven't exactly been on schedule. Scott was in the field, Gunner has been sick, and we were gone most of Easter weekend.

I'm also finding myself feeling guilty if I workout on my own in the morning and leave the dog in the apartment. He doesn't get outside much on workdays, and I feel like any extra time in the morning should be spent with the pup.

But I find that Tony's workouts are OK with the pup. He gets to jump around, I get to jump around. He lays down, I keep jumping around. It works.

I keep waiting for it to be light out at 5 a.m. but I can't remember if it's light that early during the summers. Then when Gunner feels better we can go running on the trails around here. I picked up my orthotics and they feel amazing on my feet. Super supportive, but I'm not allowed to run in them quite yet.

Anywho, got in cardio and upper-body this morning. Felt fantastic. Gunner worked out, too, by unmaking the bed that mommy spent time making up.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I Missed You, Tony Horton

Well good morning!

Waking up at 5:15 a.m. makes for a productive morning. Scott is back on his regular schedule now, and I've figured out the trick to getting up early enough to get a workout in. When he gets up, I have him turn the lights on, then I'm all set.

Gunner and I went for a walk and got the blood flowing, then he laid on the bed while I cracked open the P90X 10-minute short videos. This morning was cardio - it's some of the basic P90X cardio, just compressed into 10 minutes. I'm not ashamed to say that I was sucking wind at the end, it was a great short workout.

I figured out that dogs like Tony, too. My first minute involved some high-knees, which Gunner thought he should do, too. He jumped up and started jumping around with mommy. It was pretty cute.

When I put him back on the bed, he started rooting around in the sheets like a warthog.

Puppies need cardio, too!

In other news, my foot is not liking this new increase in activity. A little sore...waiting on my shoe inserts to come in.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Is it already April?

Run/walk: ~ 5 miles
Time: Don't ask.
Mood: blistery

To answer my own rhetorical question: Yes, yes it is already April.

Now that my foot is healed and solid, I've decided to start running again.

You may be saying, "You said that in January."

To which I will respond, "Shut up, you don't know my life!"

But you do know my life. At least when it comes to running. Because I bloggity blog about it. :)

Yes, I've said that I'm going to get back into running. And then I get back into my pajamas instead.

Now that the weather is warmer and the days are longer, I find myself getting the itch to run again. To really do any kind of workout again. To sweat! To burn! To creak around the office because my body is on fire!


It's not helping that Scott is working out like a phene, which makes me feel like a huge fatty.

Sunday we decided to go and try out the four mile loop I've got mapped out, and I'd say I ran the better part of the first mile.

And then I walked.

I ran for most of the second mile.

Then I walked. And I kept walking.

And walked some more.

And today, everything hurts. Pathetic.  Hooray for Spring!

Friday, January 27, 2012


Run: 2 miles
Time: 25
Mood: Sucking wind

I've posted before about how quickly your body can detrain when you take a hiatus, so it should have been no surprise to me when my legs revolted.

Yet I still found myself surprised/disappointed.

Such is life.

Did two miles on the treadmill. I stopped and walked a few times (hence the slow time), but overall enjoyed it. I put the speed between a 9 and 12-minute-mile. Pretty sure the guy on the treadmill next to me was playing the air drums while running. To each their own.

I don't know if I'm getting back into running - I'm not training for anything...yet.

But I'm gettin' the itch to sign up for something.

Perhaps a 10K?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snowy Saturday

Well, I did it folks. I got Scott to shred with me. I think he has a little more respect for DVD workouts now. :)

That's pretty much all for the updates.

Oh, and I lost my hand-weights in the move. Go figure.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Adios Mexico

Cabo was a dream. When I woke up, I was back in wintry Washington, D.C. - fatter and happier.

We actually did go to the gym one morning in Cabo, but we stayed away the rest of the time. We did other workout-ish things like sea kayaking (talk about killer arm work), horseback riding, walking, etc.

Now it's back to reality. And to over-packed gyms. I tried to get a treadmill Monday to no avail, but I managed to get a good 40 in on the elliptical, kept it within my target heart zone.

The lovely Emily loaned me Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred DVD. They are 20 minute workouts, but I wanted to die after anyway. It's strength with plyo-cardio. And I'm pleasantly sore today.

Gonna see if I can convince Scott to shred with me tonight.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Well, we're off to Mexico next week. And I find myself wondering why we decided to go right AFTER the holidays. When everyone has at least 7 pounds to lose.

Started cross training again, working with Scott. We've been integrating some cross-fit into our workouts, and it's been hard to walk after. Which is a good thing.

Trying to get in a few more good sessions before Cabo while simultaneously avoiding the new-year-gym-crush that will be around for the next two weeks.