Monday, September 17, 2012

Merry Monday!

The alarm that didn't have a
chance to go off.
Happy Monday, folks!

Too perky for a Monday? I'm sorry, I'll reign it in a bit. The endorphins will wear off soon enough.

I had one of those mornings where I woke up ten minutes before my alarm and went to the gym for an hour. I had my clothes all set out the night before, and I packed my lunch last night as well.

It made for a very productive and expedient morning.

I did 45 minutes total on two elliptical machines, and I forgot how absurdly boring it is. I much prefer running outside to the endless gym drudgery, but as winter approaches and my feet continue to be a pain, to the gym I must go!

My feet didn't hurt at all during the workout, so that's a good sign. I might try to get in a mile or so on the treadmills over the next few weeks, see if the softer ground eases the pain. I'm beginning to think it's tendinitis, because it's happening in both feet now.

Planning on walking a few miles over lunch as well.

Have a great day and an even better week!

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