Monday, September 24, 2012

The Race That Wasn't

"In Lieu of Racing" Pancakes
Scott and I both ran our respective races on Saturday and we both set PRs and we both won medals.

...said noone ever.

I made a game-time decision on Friday evening to not race Saturday. My foot is still really sore, and I didn't want to chance the possibility of futher hurting it. Emily might never forgive me if I limped down the aisle as her Maid of Honor.

Scott had just gotten back from three sleepless days in the field, but he still said he wanted to run. Which I fully supported.

Me: "That's awesome! I'll do what you usually do the night before my races."

Foot brace!
Scott: "What's that?"

Me: "I'm gonna get a little drunk, and then be super cranky in the morning when you try to get me up."

Scott: "Ha!"

Welp, 6:45 rolled around and someone's alarm went off. Nine minutes later it went off again. And then nine minutes after that, it went off again.
Pretzel dogs.
Needless to say, we didn't get up for Scott's race. But that was ok. After a half hour of the alarm going off and on, I wasn't really able to go back to sleep. So I ended up sitting around in my wedding dress for awhile in the guest room while Scott slept in the bedroom (it's a girl thing, go with it).

When he got up we made "In Lieu of Racing" pancakes. Which were amazing.

We did go down to Clarendon Day just for the fun of it and walked around. I did wear my foot brace all weekend, and I'm wearing it today. It totally helps.

Oh yeah, that's a 19 minute walking pace.
This morning I was planning on hitting the gym in our apartment complex before work, but couldn't find the special key fob we need. While I was looking, Gunner woke up and was prancing around ready for a walk. I walked him two miles at a quick clip instead.

Had to do something to work off the pretzel dogs Scott and I made yesterday. Which I regret noone of because they were Philly-amazing.

I had to have a few "settle down" moments with Gunner this morning because he absolutely LOVES walks and gets a little nuts. He managed to snag an entire tree branch from the side of the road this morning and was thrashing around in all of his puppy glory. He lost it a little bit. So we had a "sit" moment while mommy whispered in his ear. That seems to bring him back to reality.

Walking again over lunch, I think it's a three mile day.

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