Monday, May 7, 2012

Holy Crap We're Getting Married

Welp folks, most of you know by now. Scott proposed. I said yes.

Bada bing, bada boom.

Now it's time to think about the fact that we will both be the stars of a lot of photos over the next year. And I'll be in a dress that shows my arms. Two limbs that have just completely given up on me over the past  few years. They're never something I've had to worry about before, but now there's a touch more jiggle than I'm happy with. And months of not running have resulted in some wiggle in other places as well. It's safe to say I've got some work to do.

So the question is, how am I going to go about this next year? The options are boundless...go on a crazy bride diet consisting of celery and water (no, thanks). Get into a crazy workout mode over the next few months and then get burnt out and spend the winter loafing in hibernation (I did that last year, what else you got?). Binge eat due to planning stress (check please!).

Then there's the option of small changes over time. Baby steps. Increase workouts, make healthy choices, get outside more.

This way I won't be on a crazy crash wedding diet/workout regimen only to pack on 20 or so pounds after the wedding. It's something I'd be able to maintain for years to come, and possibly fit back into my dress in future years.

Now how to go about it...

I've already started gradually running again, and adding in some light weights. This morning I started a beginners crossfit workout paired with some upper body lifting. I'm thinking about signing up for another 10K, possibly a half marathon? I'd love to do a sprint triathlon, but we don't have a bike. I thought about P90X, but it's only three months and that burnt me out SUPER quickly the last time I did it. Maybe a few months before the big day, but I don't know.

I am planning on cutting out sodas (something I gave up during high school and college for running) and limiting processed carbs.

We've started getting a veggie box delivered each week, and the farmer's market opened this weekend. We scored some awesome strawberries that I have packed in a salad for today.

It also happens that we will be budgeting for wedding/honeymoon expenses. Which means eating at home a lot more -- something that's healthy by osmosis.

So there you have it. Healthier choices paired with increased activity. Let the games begin!

1 comment:

  1. Tait, let me know what 10k you are signing up for! i might want to do it...maybe.
