Thursday, September 6, 2012


Gunner and I did two miles this morning - one walked and one ran.

A few takeaways from this morning:
  1. September is being sneaky. It's dark at 5:30 a.m., which lulls you into thinking the air is going to be crisp. Then you walk outside and September breathes its hot humidity in your face, making you feel sticky. I came home completely drenched from two miles. I'm definitely ready for the crisp air that comes along with morning runs in the fall.
  2. Songza has awesome workout mixes. I punched into a rock-mix this morning, and it was so energizing that I was dancing a little when Gunner stopped for potty breaks. I definitely cranked it up.
  3. There are other people on the planet. Cranking up your music and paying attention to a dog means you won't see the random man dressed in dark clothing walking by you until he's right next to you. You'll then physically jump away and squeak "Dear Jesus!" when you notice him. You won't feel bad, because even though he's probably just a man walking, there's still a tiny chance he could pull you into a creepy van.
  4. Today's sweat is brought to
    you by Sweatember.
  5. Thank God for Gunner. Running in the pitch dark makes me happy that I have a protective running buddy going with me. Especially on the unlit parts of the street. Even if I did get pulled into a van, Gunner would still run for help, right? Right.
  6. Oy, my foot hurts. Ok this one doesn't really fit in with the rest of today's takeaways, but it does still hurt. I think it's b/c I walked a few miles in flip flops over lunch one day this week. I paid money for my shoe inserts for a reason, I guess.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yay for running! I am only doing a 12-13 min mile at this point. Maybe once I get up to 2-3 miles at a decent pace we can start running together :) Although I can't do 5:30 am, haha!

    1. Oh hush! I still run 12 minute miles all the time! I'm still in the get-back-to-it stage, so we can for sure run a mile together and then walk. :)

  3. What running app is that?? I need a way to track my runs!

    1. It's called Run Keeper, it's free! It's awesome, a lady comes on every five minuetes and tells you your distance and pace. :)
