Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Shaming

Run: 1 mile
Time: 9:50
Mood: Fast!

That's right, kids. A sub-10 mile. I'll sit here and let you read the above stat again. Let it sink on in your noggin'.


Did you see?! A 9:50 pace! It was only for a mile but who freaking cares?!

Gunner and I took off flying this morning! I don't know why the pace was so quick, but I felt really good. We had to stop twice for potty breaks, but I managed to remember to pause my Run Keeper.

You're probably wondering why there isn't an image of the Run Keeper screenshot as evidence. Well, there's only really one explanation.

The dog did it.

My little pooch was running right alongside me like a good boy as we hit .9 miles. He was behaving, keeping with the pace, running where he should be...

Until the other dog came along.

And not just any other dog. A police canine. Out for a stroll with what I'm assuming was his police-officer-owner. If there's one thing we all know about police dogs, it's that they're well-trained.

If there's one thing we know about Gunner, it's that he's not.

The police dog trotted by with his owner, and Gunner lost his mind. He ran in front of me, lunging on his leash trying to play with the well-behaved German Shepherd. Which almost toppled me over. Having a dog go a little nuts is usually OK when the other dog is going nuts, too, trying to play.

Having a dog go a little nuts when the other dog is staring back at your dog with that I'm-embarrassed-for-you look, it's a little...well...embarrassing.

It gave me a mental image of myself as the parent with the wild child. While little Timmy Thompson is playing nicely with his GI Joes, my kid is going to be wrecking sandcastles and running around yelling "anarchy!" at the top of his lungs. It's gonna be a blast, I can't wait.

After what we will from now on refer to as The Shaming, I realized my Run Keeper was still going and my split evidence was ruined! Gunner and I walked a little bit further and then turned around to go home. Total walking time was 35 minutes.

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