Monday, April 2, 2012

Is it already April?

Run/walk: ~ 5 miles
Time: Don't ask.
Mood: blistery

To answer my own rhetorical question: Yes, yes it is already April.

Now that my foot is healed and solid, I've decided to start running again.

You may be saying, "You said that in January."

To which I will respond, "Shut up, you don't know my life!"

But you do know my life. At least when it comes to running. Because I bloggity blog about it. :)

Yes, I've said that I'm going to get back into running. And then I get back into my pajamas instead.

Now that the weather is warmer and the days are longer, I find myself getting the itch to run again. To really do any kind of workout again. To sweat! To burn! To creak around the office because my body is on fire!


It's not helping that Scott is working out like a phene, which makes me feel like a huge fatty.

Sunday we decided to go and try out the four mile loop I've got mapped out, and I'd say I ran the better part of the first mile.

And then I walked.

I ran for most of the second mile.

Then I walked. And I kept walking.

And walked some more.

And today, everything hurts. Pathetic.  Hooray for Spring!

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