Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

No tricks, just treats!
This is the first year, the FIRST, that I haven't dressed up at some point for Halloween. Scott is out of town and I just plain wasn't in the mood.

But I did get in a good spooky-Wednesday workout this morning. Although I was a lazy ghoul yesterday. (See where this post is going?) I did a walk-run combo for a little over a mile - 15 minutes. Two minutes running and two minutes walking for 15 minutes. The I did the elliptical for another ghostly 15 minutes. Not a super long workout, but I worked up a
scary sweat. 
Breakfast this morning: kale and
goat cheese fritatta cups. Nom.

I found a PDF of a "Couch to 5K" program and that was the first day's workout. I know what you're thinking: Oh how the mighty have fallen. Stop being a witch, we all have to start somewhere.

Gunner and I then went for a monster of a walk.

So far, my feet feel awesome!

Also, I managed to leave out candy for any possible trick-or-treaters that come by tonight before I get home.

Happy Halloween!

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