Monday, February 4, 2013

Welcome Back, Tony!

Why hello there friends! It's been too long. No really, too long. Like a month and a half!

My excuse for this absence is this: I haven't had time. There. I said it. Between the holidays, the wedding and the semester starting, life has been a blur!

I'm happy to be back this morning reporting that I've started the P90X program again. I've been doing the workouts sporadically, but I'm actually on the plan starting this week. I didn't want to start too much before the wedding because I burn out quickly on this program. But now that we're at the 3.5 month mark for the wedding - it's time. The first dress fitting is in three weeks. Focus!

It also happens to be restaurant week, too. So it will help offset those calories. ;)

I've lost 11 pounds since the holidays, and hope to shed another 10 to 15 before the nuptials. I will say that this workout this morning is a whole lot easier sans 10 pounds. I felt strong, and not really that out of shape.

This morning I did Cardio X. Gunner gets really confused when mommy is jumping around and feels like he has to jump around, too. It gets some of his energy out, so it's a win-win.

Tomorrow will be Core Synergistics.

Heaven help me.

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