Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Oh man, I got to do the whole Kenpo workout tonight and it was awwwwwesome! Waking up at 5 this morning wasn't hard, getting out of bed was. So I didn't. I came home after class tonight, ate a cookie, and then got started.

While I was jogging around the apartment in a sports bra to warm up (I hate running in place), Scott was listening to Elton John on YouTube (I got him started while we were discussing wedding music). We decided we're one of the weirdest couples ever. ;)

Then it was Kenpo time! Full sweat after a half hour, drenched after the full hour. Awesome. There are multiple circuits with "rest" periods. By the end, I was keeping my leg off the ground completely when we were doing series kicks (front, side and back). Boom.

Yesterday was Cardio X, tomorrow will probably be legs.

I didn't get any workouts in this weekend, so last week was four on, three off. Not ideal, but ok.

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