Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feeling the burn!

Crushing yesterday's leg and back workout means sore walking today. My quads aren't even sore, it's more like every muscle surrounding my hips and rear. Makes for fun walking and getting up from chairs.

I woke up this morning at 3 a.m. for no reason. I laid in bed until about 4, when I realized it was going to be one of those times where I toss and turn until it's time to wake up and THEN my body wants to go to sleep. Therefore, I decided to get up and get my workout in at 4. Did Cardio X, which felt good and I'm sure helped move along the lactic acid I built up yesterday. Then I showered and crawled back into bed just as Scott was getting up. I thought I'd take a 30 minute nap.

It turned into two hours, and I was running out the door late this morning.

Of course Gunner, knowing this, decided to draw out the morning ritual by picking his way along and sniffing everything. His ladyship likes to take his time sometimes.

Today is actually Gunner's "Gotcha" Day! We adopted him a year ago exactly. He's gotten a little bit bigger and a little bit calmer. Our wallets have gotten a little lighter and our patience has gotten a little stronger. :)

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