Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday Workout!

This morning was a legs morning. I let Scott's alarm go off five times before I turned on the light and kicked him out of bed, because I have to get him up and out before I can get started with my workout. Otherwise it's kissing goodbye while I'm jogging in place. Bah. I just like to get started after he has left for work.

I realized this morning that if I do chores while I'm jogging around and warming up, it makes the post-workout morning go smoother. I managed to make the bed and fold clothes while running in place and stretching. Then after legs and Gunner's walk, all I had to do was shower and get breakfast. (No makeup or dried hair this morning, sorry Earth.)

I've been wearing my Birchbox headband and it's lovely. Not too tight around my head - so no headaches or divots in my scalp - and not too lose either. It stays in place. It's nice!

Gunner's funniest workout moment this morning was when I was doing a wall sit. Gunner thought mommy was legitimately sitting on a chair and jumped up with his front paws on my lap. It was pretty funny. He just stared at the wall when I was done like...where did it go?!

Why are you doing legs? It's playtime!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Oh man, I got to do the whole Kenpo workout tonight and it was awwwwwesome! Waking up at 5 this morning wasn't hard, getting out of bed was. So I didn't. I came home after class tonight, ate a cookie, and then got started.

While I was jogging around the apartment in a sports bra to warm up (I hate running in place), Scott was listening to Elton John on YouTube (I got him started while we were discussing wedding music). We decided we're one of the weirdest couples ever. ;)

Then it was Kenpo time! Full sweat after a half hour, drenched after the full hour. Awesome. There are multiple circuits with "rest" periods. By the end, I was keeping my leg off the ground completely when we were doing series kicks (front, side and back). Boom.

Yesterday was Cardio X, tomorrow will probably be legs.

I didn't get any workouts in this weekend, so last week was four on, three off. Not ideal, but ok.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lay off me, I'm starving!

How can we tell I've started lifting weights? I'm hungry. All the time. Stomach-growling hungry. It's good b/c my metabolism is obviously revving. Bad because...well...I'm starving.

This morning shoooould have been Core Syn, but I ended up doing Cardio X instead. I didn't have enough time for the full hour and didn't even get to do the last 15 minutes of the cardio.

Why didn't I have enough time? B/c I was a snooze-hitter this morning. I had to coax myself out of bed. I kept trying to convince myself why it was OK to go back to sleep. "I'll do my workout tonight after class. I'll take today as a rest day. I'll workout between work and class."

Eventually I just got up.

I think tomorrow I'll do Core Syn and then Saturday will be a rest day. Sunday...legs with Scott!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wanted: Weights

Bah! I did the arms/shoulders workout this morning, but I only have 5 lb. weights so it was pretty pointless. It was pretty much an hour of me air lifting. I think for this one I'll write out what I need and do it in the gym rather tahn buying weights. Or maybe I'll get a band.

There is a Body Pump class tonight at the gym I might go to. I just don't want to overdo my legs, because I'm still pretty sore from legs on Monday. We will see.

Tomorrow is Core Synergistics. Boooooooo.

A fun plus: Scott was laughing at me limping around the apartment last night, so I was tellling him about the legs workout. I told him about the chair move - where you go into a yoga prayer move, sit back like you're on a chair, and lift your arms over your head. He, of course, was able to do it for almost a minute. But after that minute he was feeling the burn! Scott said he's going to use that move with his guys for PT. I think I'll get him to do legs with me on Sunday. :) Sharing the P90X love!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feeling the burn!

Crushing yesterday's leg and back workout means sore walking today. My quads aren't even sore, it's more like every muscle surrounding my hips and rear. Makes for fun walking and getting up from chairs.

I woke up this morning at 3 a.m. for no reason. I laid in bed until about 4, when I realized it was going to be one of those times where I toss and turn until it's time to wake up and THEN my body wants to go to sleep. Therefore, I decided to get up and get my workout in at 4. Did Cardio X, which felt good and I'm sure helped move along the lactic acid I built up yesterday. Then I showered and crawled back into bed just as Scott was getting up. I thought I'd take a 30 minute nap.

It turned into two hours, and I was running out the door late this morning.

Of course Gunner, knowing this, decided to draw out the morning ritual by picking his way along and sniffing everything. His ladyship likes to take his time sometimes.

Today is actually Gunner's "Gotcha" Day! We adopted him a year ago exactly. He's gotten a little bit bigger and a little bit calmer. Our wallets have gotten a little lighter and our patience has gotten a little stronger. :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Three Months!

Woah, how did this happen?! It's three months until our wedding - I feel like just yesterday it was a year. Time flies when you're planning a wedding I guess.

So. Workouts. Let's get started.

Thursday's Cardio X left me with a bit of a crick in my lower back. I worked from home part of the time on Friday and then took it easy on Saturday. Icing and heating helped and by yesterday I was feeling like I could get a workout in and not hurt myself. Yesterday was a Kenpo day. I honestly thought I was going to like it better, because I love kickboxing. I think it's that there is a 20 minute stretch in the beginning when all I wanted to do was kick and punch. Once it got started, it was a blast.

I started today with legs and back, one of my favorites. Gunner still hasn't figured out what to do in the mornings when I'm working out for an hour before his walk. He thinks me stretching is petting time. When I run in place, he thinks we're getting ready to go. Eventually he just climbs back into bed and goes to sleep. Hard knock life for that one.

I knew that if I watched Downton Abbey last night, I wouldn't get to sleep until like midnight, so I recorded it. It's the two-hour season finale. I'll watch it tonight.

Already feeling the soreness in my butt and upper quads. It's fantastic.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Balentime's Day!

Secret campus gym.
Happy Valentine's Day! Or if you're Emily and you've been my valentine for years, Happy Balentime's Day!

Started off the morning with a Cardio X workout and a very creaky knee. It doesn't hurt or anything, but there's this loud popping. It's odd. And I hope it goes away. There's nothing like doing a side kick and hearing your joints cracking over Tony's corny jokes.

I got in a few more workouts last week. Ok, just one on Thursday. I knew there was a small room on campus with a treadmill, but I didn't realize it was actually a moderately sized gym room. I ran and did elliptical, and then sweat all over my school group in our meeting later that evening.

For lent, I'm not giving up anything this year. I'm adding six workouts a week. I'm a soldier when it comes to lent, I lock it down on whatever I'm giving up. Cheese, meat, chocolate, etc. I never look back. Which is ironic, because I'm sort of agnostic.

Anywho, six workouts a week. Today is one!

Brownies and Bond!
Hopefully this morning's cardio helped to offset last night's Valentine brownies. I have class tonight so Scott and I made dinner and brownies and watched Skyfall. Btw...I don't really understand the Bond movies. Except that he attracts a LOT of crazy hot women, and never seems to die.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Red Lobster

Last night Scott and I had an impromptu date night at the Red Lobster down the street. We had a gift card and who doesn't love those crack cheddar biscuits. Sue me.

I had to get in a Core Synergistics workout, so I ate super light at dinner (we don't need to talk about the biscuits). About 45 minutes after we'd eaten, I suited up for some Tony-time.

Things got interesting. Once you get past the burping-up-biscuits phase and the why-are-cinder-blocks-tied-to-my-legs phase, it's actually pretty OK. I had energy, so that was a good thing, and I managed to keep my dinner in my stomach, so that was another good thing.

It wasn't a particularly good workout, or a particularly bad workout. I slept like a champ, so I know it helped with digestion.

The only side-effect was a hammering headache. Which I'm assuming is from my lack of hydration yesterday, and not to the gargantuan amount of sodium that I'm sure is in those damn biscuits.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I'm feeling yesterday's workout everywhere. It's fantastic.

Debating doing cardio tonight in lieu of Core Syn.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Welcome Back, Tony!

Why hello there friends! It's been too long. No really, too long. Like a month and a half!

My excuse for this absence is this: I haven't had time. There. I said it. Between the holidays, the wedding and the semester starting, life has been a blur!

I'm happy to be back this morning reporting that I've started the P90X program again. I've been doing the workouts sporadically, but I'm actually on the plan starting this week. I didn't want to start too much before the wedding because I burn out quickly on this program. But now that we're at the 3.5 month mark for the wedding - it's time. The first dress fitting is in three weeks. Focus!

It also happens to be restaurant week, too. So it will help offset those calories. ;)

I've lost 11 pounds since the holidays, and hope to shed another 10 to 15 before the nuptials. I will say that this workout this morning is a whole lot easier sans 10 pounds. I felt strong, and not really that out of shape.

This morning I did Cardio X. Gunner gets really confused when mommy is jumping around and feels like he has to jump around, too. It gets some of his energy out, so it's a win-win.

Tomorrow will be Core Synergistics.

Heaven help me.