Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Snakes on a Plane

Run: 2.52 miles
Time: 25:00
General Mood: Meh

Or, well, snakes on a trail.

After three days of non-running (two of which included deck-building – which DOES count as cross-training, I don’t care what anyone says), I was ready to get back to it.

I planned a 2 mile run along my usual route. After hitting the 1-mile split at 10:18, I continued onto a trail the cuts through woods to my neighborhood.

It was there that I met a new friend. A long black snake was sprawled across the path. After yelping (and then quickly checking to make sure there was no one around to hear me), I jogged in place for a few minutes, examining my options.

Option 1: Try to get past the snake without it realizing I was there (yeah, right).

Option 2: Turn around and run up the killer hill I had just run down while thinking, “I’m glad I don’t have to run back up this hill.”

I ended up running back up the hill. It actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and I think I’m going to reverse my route more often to include that hill. Who knows how hilly the 10K will be?

I paused for a few seconds at the top to catch my breath, and then finished out the rest of the 2.5 miles. A couple of block sprints topped off the workout.

Today’s workout should be cross-training, but it's going to be a 2-miler on the trail behind my office.

Back up, snakes.

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