Friday, August 6, 2010

On Your Mark...

My brother (a runner) said he'd like to run the Marine Corps Marathon in 2011. Like an idiot, I said I'd run it with him.

I used to run. Really, I did. In high school, I ran cross country for three years. Long runs, short runs, cross training - I did it all. I just wasn't any good.

So why would I commit to over 26 miles? The answer: I have NO idea, but I did.

The word on the street and in the general running community is that one should train for a marathon for about a year. Having put away my running shoes for more years than I care to admit, I've got a long road ahead of me (pun intended). I'm starting slow - in both speed and distance - and trying to work my way up. I'm starting this blog as a way to hold myself accountable for the next year, and as a way to track my progress.

The plan is as follows: run shorter races, gradually building up my distance over time.

I've been running a few times a week for the past month. I ran a 5K last weekend and finished in 33:00. It was a flat, fast course and a good race for my first time back (I beat the guy running in the hotdog suit, but was passed by the barefoot guy and the guy running in khakis).

The next race on the horizon is the MCM 10K at the end of October. I've done up my training schedule, mixing running with strength training and cross training, and the official plan starts on Monday.

Here goes nothing.


  1. Here goes EVERYTHING! Look forward to following :)

  2. Aawww... we should run together. Except I live 2000 miles away. And I agree with the previos comment! Aside from that I'm thinking of running a marathon too (I was thinking April). And I'm running the Run Amuck Quantico race next weekend. It's 4 miles through mud pits and obstacles. It's always nice to have someone (or lots of someones) to keep you accountable. Good luck with your training.
