Sunday, October 31, 2010

MCM 10K - PhotoPost

Run: 6.2
Time: 1:10
Mood: Felt great!

This is going to me mostly a photo blog, because pictures speak 1,000 words today. My friends came out to support me and celebrated Halloween to the fullest. (Love you ladies.)

Race went well, it was really fun to be there with all those people. Hip flexors are sore now, but otherwise feeling good. Rehydrating and eating Halloween candy today.

Quote of the day from Boyer as I was groaning after my post-race nap: "This is only the beginning."

P.S. Finishing at the top of a hill = not fun. Good to know for next year's marathon finish.



Oh wait, not yet.

My support group...


I ran.

"Are those Teletubbies?"

Seriously, you guys are great.

Snipers keeping us safe.

Waiting for the Metro.

"Teletubbies in outer spaaaace!"

They. Waved. At. Everyone.

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