Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I. Was. Running.

Run: 4 miles
Time: 45:16
Mood: Awe-some

Tonight's 3 mile run turned into 3.5 and then into 4. I just kept running. Like in Forest Gump...when he hit the one coast and turned around and ran back. Ok, so not like Forrest Gump. But you get the gist.

Basically, I started running and felt so good that I kept going. Cut two minutes off last week's four mile time. I'm running a 5K this weekend, so I needed to do my long run before Friday (when I usually do it).

Saw TWO people (not one, but two) talking on their phones while running, and almost saw some lady die when she ran into the oncoming path of a biker going a million miles an hour. Smart, lady. Real smart.

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