Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What a Wedding!

One of many AWESOME wedding
photos. See more here.
Well, well, well. We meet again. Yes, it's been awhile. The month leading up to the wedding was insanity. But we made it through!

I've got my marriage license, my M.A. degree, and a fancy little writing award to boot. All in all, it was a pretty successful month.

It was a hellish one as well. My mom was diagnosed with cancer, my uncle Jim passed away, and my parents' dog passed away. It was pretty rough on my parents, but my mom starts chemo next week and we're all keeping positive vibes a comin'.

The wedding was awesome. We got married, we danced, we smashed cake in each other's faces. It was bliss.

But since this is a blog about staying active, we should probably chat about that.

Before the wedding I was in a routine of three spin classes and two Body Pump classes a week. I'm so glad I got back into Body Pump (BP), because my whole shoulder area looks awesome in our wedding photos. :) I dropped about 10 pounds.

And then we went on our honeymoon. And then we got back and I was still mentally on our honeymoon. And I gained like 8 pounds back. No matter, it will come back off.

This morning was my first morning back on routine since before the wedding, and I hustled to the gym for the 5:45 a.m. BP class. And as I opened the front door of the building I saw a sign:

"Tuesday 5:45 a.m. Body Pump classes cancelled as of June 1."

I think I gaped at the sign for 30 whole seconds while the guys behind the counter stared at me. It took a minute to sink in.

Apparently the lady who teaches the Tuesday/Thursday morning classes left the gym. So there's only a Thursday morning class now. Boo.

So there I was, at the gym at 5:30 with no class. No headphones. Nothing to keep me busy on any workout machines. I ended up hammering out a mile on the treadmill and then trying to recreate BP in the weight room upstairs. I felt a little silly, but I sweat all over everything so I must have been doing something right.

And then I ruined this awesomeness by bringing Dunkin' Donuts' munchkins in to work this morning.

Don't hate.

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