Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Three Miles: Mine!

Welp folks, I did it. I'm back up to three miles. It's three miles of pain and whining, but it's three miles. We judge by distance, not by amount of tears needed to accomplish it.

Friday Co-worker-Emily and I hit the trail for three miles. Mostly because we had noodle bowls for lunch and knew we wouldn't be able to look ourselves in the faces if we didn't get a decent run in. So I ran while Emily talked - which I've discovered is the PERFECT combination for me. This way, I can focus on breathing while the other person is forced to talk while breathing heavily - thus slowing down their pace and making things generally easier for me.

It's simple math.

So we did three miles and felt like crap. Yesterday we did two miles - mostly b/c I couldn't do much more. Because I ate ALL OF THE THINGS this weekend. Seriously. Everything. You name it, it went down my gullet. Is that ice cream? Done. Tater tots? History. Jaleo tapas? Destroyed.

Everything. I should have been put in nutrition jail.

But all good things must come to an end. Here I am, at my desk drinking water and munching lettuce. Yum.

In other news, brother dear saw the post meant for him last week. You know, the one in response to him telling me the blog wasn't exciting enough?

His response:
"Just saw the updated blog, NICE WORK! That piece with fireworks and danger, what a classic. Now, that, I will keep coming back for."

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