Wednesday, June 12, 2013

First Summer Run!

Run: 2 miles
Time: 26?
Mood: Schweaty

Tired face = duck face.
I know, I know, I know. It's a 13 split. And it's awful. And I couldn't believe we had gone that slowly, but we totally did. It was hot, we were dehydrated, and I had eaten buffalo wings. Not exactly the best formula to be belting out stellar splits.

But hey, we ran.

I went running with my coworker on the trail after work. And we were going to stop a little after a mile, but I said I'd be embarassed to blog about anything less than a mile and a half, so we ran to 1.5, then kept going to 2.

It was hot (did I mention that?), my calves were so tight (probably b/c we were shuffling) and my sides hurt - leave me alone. But two miles is two miles. I'll take it!

Then I came home and hubs and I ate dinner on the porch, which was lovely. Coconut chicken, a beggar's portion of tortellini and green beans. Nom.

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