Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Whew, it's been a busy week since I last wrote. I've gotten in three runs and a gym workout since then. I'm on an every-other-day schedule.

Last Thursday I ran in the campus gym, and did a mile and a half. Then Saturday two miles on the treadmill in the gym on base. Monday was two miles on the trail after work. This morning was a mile on the treadmill in our apartment complex gym then elliptical and weights. I'm running at a 12-minute pace - the usual. :)

Back up to two miles! I'm aiming for BodyPump in the's a 5:45 a.m. class so I can make at least 3/4 of it before I have to get ready for work.

More workouts, more salads, less pizza. That's the plan. 44 days until we do this whole wedding thing!

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