Friday, April 5, 2013

Rockin' and Rollin'

Run: 2.5 miles
Time: 30:07
Mood: Excellent!

Did a 2.5 mile run...the splits were all under 12 minute pace. Barely under pace, but under nonetheless! After I finished the 2.5, I walk/ran another half mile to make it three, but I didn't track with my app.

I love running on that trail. I've tried running around my apartment complex, but I don't like it and I won't stick with it. So I'm running after work now...Scott isn't a huge fan, but he understands.

I can't wait for this week to be over...I feel like there are like 8 million fires that need to be put out and that I'm stretching myself WAY too thin. But running helps.

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