Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rainy Sunday

So no run today. It's rainy and cold... But I did get to try the arm workout I found and it's great! Three circuits of that had my stems on fire! Finished things up with some light cardio..jumping jacks and whatnot. Sunday Funday!

Friday, April 20, 2012


Knocked out a half mile at a 10-minute pace, then did a mile of fartleks. Translation: I sprinted, then walked, then sprinted, then walked for an entire mile. It made my legs buuuuurn. Then I walked another half mile just so stretch out my legs.

Last night I was thinking to myself that I wanted to find a simple arm workout. What did I find while I was reading my Women's Health? A simple arm workout! I'm going to hit it up tonight.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

That's Two!

Distance: 2 miles
Time: 25 minutes
Mood: Heavy. I felt heavy.

Yes folks, that's a 25 minute 2-mile. I know the first mile was, for a fact, 12 minutes. Which would have been super embarrassing if I wasn't sucking wind and just trying to finish. I ran another half mile and then walked for five minutes before hammering out the last quarter mile. So that's 1.5 straight, and a hard final quarter. Quarter mile walking.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Or should I say...rebuilt. ;) I think my shoe inserts are helping my feet b/c I have minimal pain, but it feels like I'm running with bricks in my shoes. I'm also getting that fabulous soreness that I've missed in my legs.

Today I'm going to do some fartleks if the weather holds out. Then I'll shout like Will Ferrell in Talladega Nights...

"I'm goin' fast again!"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

5 Things I Forgot I Hate About Running

I've started hitting the trail behind the office again. And I've remembered a few things I had forgotten about this beautiful sport we call running.

1. Bikers
"On the left." Yes, I heard you the first time. And I even heard you the second time. I moved to the side of the trail. And then I heard you ring the bell. And yet you STILL feel the need to call "Passing on the left!" yet again. You just ride your bike and I'll run my run and we can do it in silence.

2. Gnat Clouds
These sneaky little buggers like to float around in groups, hanging out with each other, having a little insect happy hour in the evening sun. Until I run through them and swallow a few. It's no fun for them, it's no fun for me. And I apologize for the bug families who were waiting for someone to come home who never showed up.

3. Friction
Enough said.

4. You There In The Spandex
Yes, you. The super skinny person running while chewing gum and not even breathing heavily when we both know damn well you're putting down at least a sub-7 mile. I hate you.

5. The Hill at Mile 1
I forgot about this hill. It's right after the one-mile marker, and it's a bridge that goes over Rt. 50. Right past a McDonald's. That always seems to have a fresh batch of fries percolating.

All of these things being said, it still feels awesome to be back out on the trail. Going out again today. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


It's been a pretty crazy week so workouts haven't exactly been on schedule. Scott was in the field, Gunner has been sick, and we were gone most of Easter weekend.

I'm also finding myself feeling guilty if I workout on my own in the morning and leave the dog in the apartment. He doesn't get outside much on workdays, and I feel like any extra time in the morning should be spent with the pup.

But I find that Tony's workouts are OK with the pup. He gets to jump around, I get to jump around. He lays down, I keep jumping around. It works.

I keep waiting for it to be light out at 5 a.m. but I can't remember if it's light that early during the summers. Then when Gunner feels better we can go running on the trails around here. I picked up my orthotics and they feel amazing on my feet. Super supportive, but I'm not allowed to run in them quite yet.

Anywho, got in cardio and upper-body this morning. Felt fantastic. Gunner worked out, too, by unmaking the bed that mommy spent time making up.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I Missed You, Tony Horton

Well good morning!

Waking up at 5:15 a.m. makes for a productive morning. Scott is back on his regular schedule now, and I've figured out the trick to getting up early enough to get a workout in. When he gets up, I have him turn the lights on, then I'm all set.

Gunner and I went for a walk and got the blood flowing, then he laid on the bed while I cracked open the P90X 10-minute short videos. This morning was cardio - it's some of the basic P90X cardio, just compressed into 10 minutes. I'm not ashamed to say that I was sucking wind at the end, it was a great short workout.

I figured out that dogs like Tony, too. My first minute involved some high-knees, which Gunner thought he should do, too. He jumped up and started jumping around with mommy. It was pretty cute.

When I put him back on the bed, he started rooting around in the sheets like a warthog.

Puppies need cardio, too!

In other news, my foot is not liking this new increase in activity. A little sore...waiting on my shoe inserts to come in.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Is it already April?

Run/walk: ~ 5 miles
Time: Don't ask.
Mood: blistery

To answer my own rhetorical question: Yes, yes it is already April.

Now that my foot is healed and solid, I've decided to start running again.

You may be saying, "You said that in January."

To which I will respond, "Shut up, you don't know my life!"

But you do know my life. At least when it comes to running. Because I bloggity blog about it. :)

Yes, I've said that I'm going to get back into running. And then I get back into my pajamas instead.

Now that the weather is warmer and the days are longer, I find myself getting the itch to run again. To really do any kind of workout again. To sweat! To burn! To creak around the office because my body is on fire!


It's not helping that Scott is working out like a phene, which makes me feel like a huge fatty.

Sunday we decided to go and try out the four mile loop I've got mapped out, and I'd say I ran the better part of the first mile.

And then I walked.

I ran for most of the second mile.

Then I walked. And I kept walking.

And walked some more.

And today, everything hurts. Pathetic.  Hooray for Spring!