Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Three Miles: Mine!

Welp folks, I did it. I'm back up to three miles. It's three miles of pain and whining, but it's three miles. We judge by distance, not by amount of tears needed to accomplish it.

Friday Co-worker-Emily and I hit the trail for three miles. Mostly because we had noodle bowls for lunch and knew we wouldn't be able to look ourselves in the faces if we didn't get a decent run in. So I ran while Emily talked - which I've discovered is the PERFECT combination for me. This way, I can focus on breathing while the other person is forced to talk while breathing heavily - thus slowing down their pace and making things generally easier for me.

It's simple math.

So we did three miles and felt like crap. Yesterday we did two miles - mostly b/c I couldn't do much more. Because I ate ALL OF THE THINGS this weekend. Seriously. Everything. You name it, it went down my gullet. Is that ice cream? Done. Tater tots? History. Jaleo tapas? Destroyed.

Everything. I should have been put in nutrition jail.

But all good things must come to an end. Here I am, at my desk drinking water and munching lettuce. Yum.

In other news, brother dear saw the post meant for him last week. You know, the one in response to him telling me the blog wasn't exciting enough?

His response:
"Just saw the updated blog, NICE WORK! That piece with fireworks and danger, what a classic. Now, that, I will keep coming back for."

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Good Hair Day

Run: 2 miles
Time: ?
Mood: Sticky

With humidity hovering around 80 percent, my coworker Emily and I decided to hit the trail. And boy was it heavy out. It was one of those afternoons where you can see the air -- visibly oppressive.

We ran a mile out, then did the better part of a half-mile back. Then it was a walk-run combo for the last half mile because one of us was having shin pain (me) and needed to walk.

But on the UP side, my hairdo held throughout the entire run. I told Emily it would, and it did.

Yesterday morning I got up late -- something we've been doing lately since Scott doesn't have to be to work at 0530 anymore -- and I just brushed my hair back and pinned each side behind my ears. It reminded me of Peggy's hair in Mad Men. And it just stayed like that all day.

Even after two miles on the trail in the heat. Why is she talking about her hair? Because it's my blog. And I'll talk about my hair if I want to.

This took like 20 takes to capture me not looking like
a drowned, sweaty rat. Smile!
And notice the bright blue sportsbra under a neon yellow running tank. I don't want to just want to be seen on the trail, I want to be SEEN on the trail.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

First Summer Run!

Run: 2 miles
Time: 26?
Mood: Schweaty

Tired face = duck face.
I know, I know, I know. It's a 13 split. And it's awful. And I couldn't believe we had gone that slowly, but we totally did. It was hot, we were dehydrated, and I had eaten buffalo wings. Not exactly the best formula to be belting out stellar splits.

But hey, we ran.

I went running with my coworker on the trail after work. And we were going to stop a little after a mile, but I said I'd be embarassed to blog about anything less than a mile and a half, so we ran to 1.5, then kept going to 2.

It was hot (did I mention that?), my calves were so tight (probably b/c we were shuffling) and my sides hurt - leave me alone. But two miles is two miles. I'll take it!

Then I came home and hubs and I ate dinner on the porch, which was lovely. Coconut chicken, a beggar's portion of tortellini and green beans. Nom.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

For David

My brother says my blog hasn't been exciting enough lately.

So...some fireworks!

Shazam! Kaprow! Excitement! Maybe a little bit of danger! Bazing! Don't stand too close! Pow!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday + Kenpo

Happy Sunday!

It was a productive weekend in the McTait household. (No, I'm not sure how long I'm going to keep using that name mash.) We spent most of yesterday at my parents' house and then spent today around our house.

This morning Scott went for a run in D.C. and Gunner and I ran a mile or so around the complex. Then I did a P90X Kenpo workout and worked up an amazing sweat while Gunner lounged inconveniently at my feet.

The only downside is that I think this Kenpo workout kills my back. This is the second time in a row my back has been cricked after doing this workout.

The good news is we went to a registry-completion-event tonight at Bed, Bath and Beyond and got a heating pad. Both Scott and I have taken turns with it tonight. We may or may not be getting old. ;)

ALSO we got nine wedding thank-you cards written today. It's a start!

Let's have a great week, people.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What a Wedding!

One of many AWESOME wedding
photos. See more here.
Well, well, well. We meet again. Yes, it's been awhile. The month leading up to the wedding was insanity. But we made it through!

I've got my marriage license, my M.A. degree, and a fancy little writing award to boot. All in all, it was a pretty successful month.

It was a hellish one as well. My mom was diagnosed with cancer, my uncle Jim passed away, and my parents' dog passed away. It was pretty rough on my parents, but my mom starts chemo next week and we're all keeping positive vibes a comin'.

The wedding was awesome. We got married, we danced, we smashed cake in each other's faces. It was bliss.

But since this is a blog about staying active, we should probably chat about that.

Before the wedding I was in a routine of three spin classes and two Body Pump classes a week. I'm so glad I got back into Body Pump (BP), because my whole shoulder area looks awesome in our wedding photos. :) I dropped about 10 pounds.

And then we went on our honeymoon. And then we got back and I was still mentally on our honeymoon. And I gained like 8 pounds back. No matter, it will come back off.

This morning was my first morning back on routine since before the wedding, and I hustled to the gym for the 5:45 a.m. BP class. And as I opened the front door of the building I saw a sign:

"Tuesday 5:45 a.m. Body Pump classes cancelled as of June 1."

I think I gaped at the sign for 30 whole seconds while the guys behind the counter stared at me. It took a minute to sink in.

Apparently the lady who teaches the Tuesday/Thursday morning classes left the gym. So there's only a Thursday morning class now. Boo.

So there I was, at the gym at 5:30 with no class. No headphones. Nothing to keep me busy on any workout machines. I ended up hammering out a mile on the treadmill and then trying to recreate BP in the weight room upstairs. I felt a little silly, but I sweat all over everything so I must have been doing something right.

And then I ruined this awesomeness by bringing Dunkin' Donuts' munchkins in to work this morning.

Don't hate.