Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Run for Boston.

Whew, it's been a crazy week in both workouts and life.

I've knocked out a Body Pump class and a spin class. And two bombs went off at the mecca of all races: the Boston Marathon.

I know it's not the most horrific tragedy America has ever faced, I know three casualties is nothing compared to the soldiers we're losing overseas, but it hit home hard. We were in the middle of a fundraiser in my office when my co-worker came over and said that two bombs had gone off at the Boston Marathon. I immediately felt sick. I don't have anyone close to me who was running the race, no one close to me even in the city itself, but I still reacted as though I did.

I think it's because runners are all family. And races are our reunions.

I know the emotion you get as you're rounding that last half mile of a race, I know the tears that come as you cross the finish line, I know the chaos in trying to find your loved ones once you cross the finish line. It's amazing and exhausting at the same time. It's "I can't wait to do this again" and "I'm never racing again" wrapped into one. The emotion that comes with racing is what keeps me racing.

And to have such a triumphant moment marred by such senseless violence is sickening. It's heartbreaking. My thoughts were with runners on the course who had most-likely picked a place to meet up with their families at the finish, with those people who were rounding the last mile of their first 26.2 mile journey, those who had just finished and those who were about to finish, those who were cheering others on, and those who were senselessly injured.

I can't imagine the confusion and chaos everyone must have been feeling. It made me angry and it made me cry.

But how do we combat this? My advice to my fellow runners is: don't get angry, get sweaty. Hit the pavement and go run. Run it out. Run it down. Run it over.

There is an article on that I think sums it up pretty well:
"I know as sure as I breathe that in all the depressing, bewildering hours since the attacks, that this has been the answer from runners all across our land.

They have strapped on their shoes, stepped outside and in silent tribute they have run. They have run in defiance of those who would presume upon our freedom. They have run in respect for those who died or who were hurt cheering on this silly sport we love. They have run as we've always run, to test the limits of human possibility; not to defeat others, but to improve ourselves.

They have run as I will run...for Boston."
I haven't run since Monday. But when I do, I'll run for Boston.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Funday!

What a gorgeous weekend! We went to the Nat's game on Friday, spent the day running around yesterday, and I went to Body Pump this morning before we went on a wedding errand. Ah, spring!

Like I expected, I was having trouble walking on Friday and Saturday, but I woke up this morning with little to no pain. For today's class, I didn't weight the bar as much for squats, and did lunges just with my body weight. And maxed out my upper body. We're talking shaky, total muscle failure.

Looking forward to the burn tomorrow! Hopefully I can make it to kickboxing tomorrow evening. Or a run if it's ridiculously nice.

Final fitting is next Saturday!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Cherry Blossoms and Body Pump

Light weights, heavy pain.
Happy Friday!

I got too busy yesterday to post, it was insane.

So I got in a run on Wednesday. Emily and I only ran a mile, but then we took a long walk through the Kenwood neighborhood and saw the awesome cherry blossoms there. They say that if you can't get to the Tidal Basin, go to Kenwood. Gorgeous.

Thursday morning I made it to my first Body Pump class in probably a year. I could only stay for 45 minutes, but it was enough. I'm in legitimate pain today. It hurts to walk and stairs are nearly impossible. Elevators, please.

This of course comes on the day when I'm taking public transportation because we're going to the Nats game tonight. Nothing like trying to hobble out of the way as people are trying to get on and off trains.

I did read an interesting article on Wednesday about how people who work out a lot for weight loss often don't lose weight. If you're not cutting calories, and you're just running, chances are you're not going to drop a lot of weight. The exercise burns calories, but it makes people think that they're "done" for the day. They're often more sedentary and will eat more because they feel that they've "earned it."

Knowing this, I still had a Chipotle bowl for lunch yesterday. I'm not sorry, it was delicious.

But it's interesting to read, because I know we have ALL done that. "I can eat these cookies, I ran this morning."

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

From Winter into Summer

Run: 2.5 miles
Time: No idea
Mood: Sweet Jesus

My coworker Emily and I did a run after work yesterday. Two miles out, with the attempt to do one mile back to make a three-mile run. We didn't make it that far, but knocked out two and a half miles. I didn't wear a watch or use my Run Keeper app, so I don't know the pace.

We walked another mile and a half back to the starting point.

I will was WARM out. The first two miles had a breeze...but the last half mile was that dead-air-face-sweating thing that happens. We've had like...two 60 degree days. It went from 50 right to 80. No passing go.

Fun observations:

A girl running in a tennis skirt with shorts underneath. Why the skirt? It serves no purpose other than to make us sort of hate you.

Ying-yang twins. One girl with a grey top and black bottoms, another with a black top and grey bottoms. Walking in sync. We wanted to be friends with them but we weren't wearing the right colors.

Bikers. Nothing good to say about them so I shouldn't say anything at all, except that WE CAN HEAR YOU THE FIRST THREE TIMES YOU RING YOUR LITTLE BELL.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Rockin' and Rollin'

Run: 2.5 miles
Time: 30:07
Mood: Excellent!

Did a 2.5 mile run...the splits were all under 12 minute pace. Barely under pace, but under nonetheless! After I finished the 2.5, I walk/ran another half mile to make it three, but I didn't track with my app.

I love running on that trail. I've tried running around my apartment complex, but I don't like it and I won't stick with it. So I'm running after work now...Scott isn't a huge fan, but he understands.

I can't wait for this week to be over...I feel like there are like 8 million fires that need to be put out and that I'm stretching myself WAY too thin. But running helps.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Whew, it's been a busy week since I last wrote. I've gotten in three runs and a gym workout since then. I'm on an every-other-day schedule.

Last Thursday I ran in the campus gym, and did a mile and a half. Then Saturday two miles on the treadmill in the gym on base. Monday was two miles on the trail after work. This morning was a mile on the treadmill in our apartment complex gym then elliptical and weights. I'm running at a 12-minute pace - the usual. :)

Back up to two miles! I'm aiming for BodyPump in the's a 5:45 a.m. class so I can make at least 3/4 of it before I have to get ready for work.

More workouts, more salads, less pizza. That's the plan. 44 days until we do this whole wedding thing!