Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

No tricks, just treats!
This is the first year, the FIRST, that I haven't dressed up at some point for Halloween. Scott is out of town and I just plain wasn't in the mood.

But I did get in a good spooky-Wednesday workout this morning. Although I was a lazy ghoul yesterday. (See where this post is going?) I did a walk-run combo for a little over a mile - 15 minutes. Two minutes running and two minutes walking for 15 minutes. The I did the elliptical for another ghostly 15 minutes. Not a super long workout, but I worked up a
scary sweat. 
Breakfast this morning: kale and
goat cheese fritatta cups. Nom.

I found a PDF of a "Couch to 5K" program and that was the first day's workout. I know what you're thinking: Oh how the mighty have fallen. Stop being a witch, we all have to start somewhere.

Gunner and I then went for a monster of a walk.

So far, my feet feel awesome!

Also, I managed to leave out candy for any possible trick-or-treaters that come by tonight before I get home.

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy Workout

Post workout glow! P.S. That's our
"Happy Halloween" sign above my head.
Welp, I'm indoors for the next 24 hours at least. Gunner and I still have power, although no Internet. I'm posting this from my phone - love that Blogger lets me to that. So be nice about any spelling errors.

I could probably make it to the gym today -- I mean I can see it from our balcony -- but I don't want to go for two reasons. One, the wind is whipping and I'd be the idiot outside during one of the 80 mph gusts clinging to someone's balcony. And two, Gunner is a little freaked out so I'm trying to stay indoors.

It's OK though, because I found a few indoor workouts. Today was half P90X yoga (which so much), and Billy Blanks' Tae-bo. I'm not the world's most coordinated person, so it was a lot of wobbling and punching. But overall I'd say it was a solid 45 minutes of cardio and sweating.

Gunner came to chill out on the floor next to me, watching me the whole time with that "you look ridiculous" face.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy Dance

I'm down almost five pounds! It's amazing what happens when you start working out again and stop eating everything. I've been working hard to undo the past year's gluttony, and it's finally working.

I celebrated by heading to the gym. But this morning Gunner hopped out of bed and wanted to go for a walk, so I took him out instead. We did almost a mile and a half, and then he came back and went to bed.

That one high bar is from our sprint down the hallway. And the small bars after it are the ones from when I was walking around the apartment, forgetting that Run Keeper was still going.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Early Bird Gets...Scared Out of Her Mind

Buenos Dias! It's another warm, muggy late-October day. But the hurricane should cool things off over the weekend, so hopefully it will be more fall-like.

This morning I hit snooze twice so I didn't make it to the gym until about 5:15. The gym, as usual, was dark. Most days, I'm the first and only one in there at 5 a.m. so I turn on the lights, and turn on the T.V. No biggie. It's a little creepy if I spend time thinking about it, but I don't. So it's fine.

Well this morning, the gym was dark, like I said. So I opened the door and turned on the lights and BOOM! There was a guy on the treadmill. Running in the dark. No T.V. on. No sound. Nothing. Just running on the treadmill in the gym alone in the dark at 5 a.m.

I hope I didn't ruin his moment by turning on the lights and the T.V. but he didn't say anything so I'm assuming I didn't.

In other news, Gunnerrific is all patched up! He spent last night without his cone and didn't try to mess with anything. His rash is practically gone - that cream they gave me is a miracle-worker. I left him out of the cone today, so let's see how he spends his first day of freedom this week.

Happy Thursday.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Up at 4:50. In the gym by 5. Boom.

Half hour on the elliptical, then walk/ran a mile. Then did some legwork on the treadmill - walking backwards and doing the sideways leg criss-cross from soccer years ago. (If anyone can tell me what it's called, please let me know.)

Had to take Gunner to the vet this morning b/c his rash was getting worse. Got some more medicine from the vet so hopefully he's all taken care of!

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Poor pup.
So October is almost over. That's fun. I love waking up and wondering where the month went.

I'm being sarcastic.

This one went by in a blur! Emily's wedding, our wedding things, Scott's mom in town, and now Scott out of town, grad school, work. This fall has been going by so quickly!

I've been sticking with the 5 a.m. workouts. Got four in last week, and was up at 4:45 this morning. I've been doing 60 minute stints on the elliptical - reading books mostly. I catch up on the news, too.

Scott bought me new running shoes, and so far my feet are pain free. I'm going to start throwing in a mile on the treadmill before the hour of cardio. I haven't been wearing my inserts. But I think I'm going to need to for at least the first few runs.

I've lost my morning walk buddy for a little bit. Gunner is in a cone for the next week or so, because he's got some skin issues. I came home from class on Sunday to find him shaking by the couch. He wouldn't walk, could only make it a few steps before sitting down. Mommy called the vet and then carried Gunner down to the car. Our little boy is now a 50-pound little man. And mommy needs to lift more weights.

Slow moving this morning.

Happy Monday.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What a Week

Whew, this is the FIRST chance I've had to post all week. Scott is in primary, I'm getting up at 5 just to go to the gym, and both of our jobs are kicking our behinds this week. I haven't even had time to walk over lunch.

I've got three morning workouts under my belt this week. Up at 5 a.m., 45 minutes on the elliptical while reading The Help for the second time, then walking the dog at least a mile. The good news is that I overslept yesterday morning and didn't walk over lunch and felt like a slob last night. So my healthy lifestyle is taking root again. We had salad for dinner and I said "no" to sour cream or any salad dressing. And my taco salad was still ah-mazing.

The fact that I was able to get up this morning is nothing short of a Christmas miracle. I had a glass of sangria last night because it was a stressful day. Then I had another glass.

Monster wine glasses.
What I forgot was that our wine glasses, which we brought back from Mexico, can fit an entire beer in them with room to spare.

And a serving of wine is what, like 4-6 ounces? So my "two glasses" was more like, oh I don't know, a bottle.

All of a sudden I was laughing hysterically on the couch and then crying at Sons of Anarchy and then laughing hysterically again. Scott kept shaking his head, laughing at me and saying, "On a Wednesday..."

But he was the one pouring the sangria. He did make me drink water last night which I'm thankful for this morning. My workout went well, but on the drive in to work the headache started. I'm two migraine pills, one piece of chocolate, and half a diet coke into my migraine-prevention ritual.

My abs hurt this morning from laughing so hard last night, so I think it was worth a little migraine this morning.

Happy Thursday!