Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Make Winter Your B*tch"

Run: 3.1
Time: 32:Something
Mood: Visible

Things we learned at the gym last night:
  • Wearing day-glo yellow in the gym...not such a hot idea. Not only are you highly visible in the mirrors, but when you're switching from machine to machine trying to find one that has a working monitor, people will see you. Not only see you, but SEE you.
  • Pay no attention to the kid mumbling to himself on the treadmill next to you. He's harmless.
  • I need to start doing upper-body strength training. It's embarassing.
Ended up doing a 5K last night on the treadmill. While I may be generally grumpy about having to run indoors, I'm trying to make the best of it by using the speed pace effectively. As my runs come to a close, I crank up the speed. Finished last night's 3.1 at an 8:14 pace...which feels so freaking fast when you've been doing an 11/10:30 split.

Winter slump is setting in. When it's cold out, I don't want to walk to the gym - didn't run on Monday for that exact reason.

But we are gonna crack down. Finalizing my training calendar as we speak.

To quote a new blogger (Ben Does Life) I just discovered, I'm going to make winter my bitch. :)

Side note: I'm trying out the whole "5-6 small meals a day" thing, and it's working out well.

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