Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Very Happy Holiday Indeed

Run: 2 miles + 25 mins on elliptical
Time: 50 minutes total?
Mood: Pink

My first run back from the holiday food fest. My family is Italian, so we ate for like four straight days, last night's homemade ravioli topped it all off. I didn't run the entire time I was home (that's four fatty days) - I intended to. But then it snowed. And was cold. And I hadn't hydrated. And then oops I'd had a glass of wine. Or a mimosa. Or I'd just eaten. I could go all day, the excuses were boundless.

I did get some sweet running gear for Christmas, that I rocked today at the gym. My brother and sister-in-law got me a pink Nike pullover (not my favorite color, but an amazing addition to my running wardrobe) and some really cool Nike socks. Needless to say, I wore both of them for my run this morning and was feeling very pink.

Had another up-at-five-a.m.-for-no-good-reason morning, so I headed to the gym. Set incline at 1% for the first mile, then had to stop at two because I was about dead. I hopped on the elliptical afterward, because a 22 minute workout wasn't going to cut it this morning.

This week is damage control in preparation for New Year's Eve.

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